Subject: free leads & more... [Explicit New Video]

Happy Freedom Friday Friend,

In today's Video, I share...

  • A FREE Lead source (not kidding at all... and no these are not Facebook friends I'm referring to. :-) I'm talking name, email, phone number, address and even I.P. address) in fact, here's a pic of what they look like..

  • How to get prospects to pay you to recruit them... (And yes, sometimes things that sound too good to be true are, and other times they're not.. in this case - it's the latter.)

  • I also expose one of the GREATEST LIES people tell themselves that prevents them from growing a massively profitable business from home.

You can watch the video here and I even cut the time down from last weeks video so you can watch it even faster. ;-)


PS - If you're looking for some inspiration, light, love and lift in your spirit today... you might consider catching the replay of the Grow Rich Mastermind from this morning. Been getting some great feedback on it so far..

The replay will be up until Sunday night... and all you have to do to tune in is dial 712-432-0990 and enter the secret code - 565762# 

PPS - In other news, I bench pressed 225 this morning which I'm sure my kids will be excited about. :-)