Subject: for those who hate prospecting...

Truth is Friend, I'm not a fan of prospecting.

I've done plenty of it it my day.

  • Facebook prospecting.

  • Phone prospecting.

  • Friends & Family

Nowadays, for some reason, I have a super hard time motivating myself to send Facebook messages to people. (I find it so hard to develop an actual relationship with a few lines of text messages back and forth)

I also don't enjoy getting pitched on something within 10 seconds of a new conversation or the feeling I sometimes get when it seems like someone is 'pretending' to get to know, like and trust me so they can pitch me on their deal.

The few times I've picked up the phone to call prospects over the last couple months, I get a bad number, or am unable to connect with people.

Bottom line - It just doesn't excite me anymore.

So what's the solution?

A different FORM of prospecting.

A form that's fun, time leveraged and only puts me in touch with the people who want to be in touch with me..


  1. I have a Facebook ad, YouTube Video or Blog post out there on the internet sending people to my lead capture page for me.

  2. The people go through my videos so they learn something valuable and get to know me. (Some pull out their credit card and get started because they want to do it this way too)

  3. The one's that don't buy, keep getting my emails (much easier to send than 1 on 1 Facebook messages, that's for sure) - and someday in the future - they realize that this way is much more enjoyable - and they get started too.

Just like Dr. Jim here who's an emergency room doc in Ohio.

Anyway Friend, I just wanted to share this to give you some inspiration that if you're also not a fan of prospecting, there's hope for you too.

There are only 2 tools you need to do it this way.

A funnel builder tool like this one so you can attract and capture the leads.

And an auto responder tool to send everyone the emails.

I explain it all in great detail here in my 7 free Internet Explosion videos. 

Oh, and if you or your upline loves prospecting, before you write me any hate mail telling me how wrong I am on this... Let me say - I'm not saying prospecting doesn't work - I'm just saying I personally, don't enjoy as much as I do this other way.

That's the great thing about Freedom. We can do things the way we want, as long as the things we do have the potential to get us the result we want..

That's it for now. Have a great weekend and whatever you do, NEVER give up on your dreams.


PS - text the word FREEDOM to 1-833-242-6060 to get my 82 page Online Recruiting Secrets eBook sent to your mobile via text.