Subject: Your Divine Dominion

Morning Friend,

Back when I was a full time missionairy in Taiwan, I used to walk around every day asking people if they believed in God or what they believed about the purpose of life.

One of the words I remember hearing a lot was "crutch".

People would tell me often that the idea of God was used as a crutch by many humans.

In one sense, a crutch is something to lean on, and so I can definitely understand that. It seems to be that we all need something higher (a power, a purpose, a meaning, a reason) to lean on, especially in hard times.

The problem with crutches though Friend, is that if we use them more than we need them, they can serve to weaken us, rather than strengthen us.

Anyway, I was reminded of that metaphor during my morning study.

I was finishing up the first Chapter of Genesis and meditating on the idea of God giving 'dominion' to mankind along with all the gifts of the earth.

You can catch my 57 second video that shares what I learned after 30+ minutes of meditation on this one sentence of ancient wisdom here, or, can continue to read instead, because I think, with this perspective on scripture, we might be able to use crutches to serve us in the best of ways, versus the others.

Here goes...

“Have dominion” God said to mankind, which is to say that humans are given power and authority to rule and to reign over Earthly affairs.

We have been entrusted with a divine delegation that carries with it the power and authority to make decisions and act.

“Behold I have given you” the gifts of the earth.

One of the first great steps in the maturity of human consciousness is to recognize this delegation of stewardship.

To cease from 'blaming' or 'begging' God to hold responsibility for all that has been done or that we wish to be done in the world.

Humans are co-creators and whether we know it or not, bear responsibility now for what happens or fails to happen in the world.

The more we embrace and accept this divinely delegated “dominion”, and strive to utilize it in the highest of ways, the more power we wield for the accomplishment of good for ourselves and those around us.

Those who look to God as a slot machine in the sky, fail to realize that they hold the true lever of power within their very own hand.

Love and believe in you Friend.

Thanks for reading!
