Subject: Why I Fired An Email Subscriber Yesterday

Happy Freedom Friday Friend!

Yesterday I blocked a subscriber in both my Gmail and my GetResponse auto responder account.


Because he kept emailing me, asking me questions, and ignoring the advice I would give him.

Additionally I could sense a negative, arrogant tone to his communication.

It sometimes blows my mind how occasionally people will come to me, asking for advice on how to find success online or build a life of freedom and then turn around and give me advice on all the things they think I'm dong wrong.

Look, I know I'm not perfect.

But I also know that the results in my business speak for themselves and I'm not going to change something just because someone gives me their unexperienced, uneducated opinion - especially if their opinion has no good REASONING behind it.

So yesterday was the final straw. He asked me yet another question, which I answered.

He responded with an insult, telling me I was not helpful, and then proceeded to complain that I didn't answer the question he'd asked.

Good bye!

One thing I've learned over my journey to freedom Friend, is that life is too short to waste any of it's precious time.

If you can have freedom, fulfillment AND be surrounded by people who lift you up and give you energy... Why would you want to punish yourself by allowing energy vampires into your life?

Boundaries Friend, boundaries... What a beautiful word that is for maintaining peace and tranquility in your life.

Anyway, just wanted to write you this note and say "hello" and to also thank you for not being like that other guy.

The world needs more sunshine, not more storms.

One of the intentions behind all of my business activities is to be a light, and to gather other lights, so we can collectively shine a brighter light into the world.

Thankfully, I find myself surrounded by people like this.


We hang out together every morning on The Grow Rich Mastermind and you're welcome to plug in, to give or receive light yourself.

The replay from today is here, and you can also tune in by dialing 7112-432-0990 Access 5657662#.

Bye for now!


PS - I'm so excited because last week at Freedom Fest we learned an AMAZING strategy for helping people create simple videos for Traffic, Leads & Sales.

We've been implementing it together on our daily Traffic & Conversions mastermind and seeing some INSPIRING results.

This is Greg, and his last couple videos are already in #1 spots on YouTube.

This is what I believe to be, online marketing for the heart-centered masses and if you'd like to learn with us... Just watch this video or fill out this form right now to get started, if you're not already a member.

But don't join unless you're positive, passionate, faith filled and ready to work to create prosperity and goodness for yourself and the world around you. That's the vibe of our tribe and I'd hate for you to be out of tune with our song.