Subject: Why A Millionaire Joined Our Company

That's right Friend.

A bona fide, verified home business millionaire joined our company and already built up a brand new $4,620 monthly residual income stream promoting our products.

In fact, he was training our members 2 nights ago and here are the exact results he shared with the us.

But that's not the point of this email.

The point is, there I was watching this guy who has made millions, upon millions of dollars in home business over the years, show us his brand new income stream and how he did it, and I couldn't help but wonder...

"Why is he even doing this? He clearly doesn't need the money."

So at the end of the training, I asked him.

"How do you stay motivated?"

He went on to tell us that he loves seeing people light up and that if he can help someone make a full time income from home, working part time online - they can then open up their lives to something better, and that makes him feel good.

In short, he loves helping people.

As I was closing out the webinar, I mentioned how a new member, the other day, told me he'd started up his alcoholics anonymous meetings all due to the fact that he'd gotten so inspired to change his life after plugging into our products & community.

I noticed this millionaire wiping a tear from his eye as I told that story.

I knew right then, that he's a perfect fit for our company.

And I think that probably has something to do with why he chose us, out of all the countless things he could have chosen.

This guy has been a part of 'other' online programs.

He's also been a top earner in the network marketing profession.

He's seen everything under the sun, looked at it all, kicked tires, made big money...

And he chose us.


Well, certainly - the fact that we pay 80% commissions on our high quality products probably had something to do with it.

He can help people build a life changing residual MUCH faster here than anywhere else, with much less production.

*This is how he built a $55,200 annual residual with us so fast.

But beyond that, I think he senses that we too, are like him.

Our goal is to actually help people.

Not slam & jam.

Not steal commissions & sales...

Not gaming the system so we get get rich off everyone else.

No, our goal is to actually help people.

To be there for them.

To support them.

To inspire them.

To guide them and coach them and mentor them.

To answer their questions as they're putting the pieces of the puzzle together.

Heck, I even build a website for one of my members the other day to help her out.

In short, our goal is to serve the people in the best way we possibly can.

And I think that's why this millionaire, who didn't have to build another income stream, nor did he have to join us..

Decided that we were the best place for him to light people up in the way he wants to.

So if following the example of an online millionaire who's been all the way around the block and seen everything there is in the neighborhood to see - sounds like a good idea to you...

Open this door to your new home.

Your heart-centered freedom family will be there with open arms to welcome you on the other side.

My mission in life is to help you be free, if you're willing to trust & work with me.

That's the truth.
