Subject: Watch Out For Online Predators... (look for this)

Hey Friend,

Yesterday I heard another heart breaking story from a husband & father who recently got started with our company.

Unfortunately, the story was all too familiar.

He had a dream, and was serious about his dream, and some unscrupulous online predators talked him into going into debt to spend a LOT of money on his online business.

This put him and his family in a situation that he's excited to get out of.

Thankfully, no matter where someone is at, there's always hope to make the situation better - but it got me thinking...

I sure hope I can help people avoid making decisions that will set them back on their journey to freedom, versus forward.

Here are some things to watch out for..

  • Super expensive price tags on home business ventures. (ESPECIALLY If you have to go in debt for them) ... A home business is NOT a traditional business and require WAY less funds to get started than hypsters would have you believe.

  • Itsy, bitsy, teenie, tiny commission payouts. Listen, I've been there, done that and it takes a TON more work to build an income that will make a difference if you're earning pennies per sale or you need a customer base the size of China to show a good return.

  • Easy money promises with no work required - I think we know deep down that these are all scams, but we hope, and our hope makes us vulnerable. Hear me now Friend, and please don't EVER forget. Anything worthwhile in life requires work, consistency and determination. Anyone who says different is trying to sell you a beach front property in Arizona - and there ain't none!

I could go on Friend, but these are some of the big ones.

I've been doing this stuff full time now for over 10 years and I'd love for you to NOT make the same mistakes I've seen myself and others make.

Some of this stuff (and more) is the reason I decided to start this company a few years ago.

I wanted all the good with none of the bad.

And that's part of the reason we call it a shortcut. ;-)

Be blessed,
