Subject: Uncle Gary's Legacy - 5 Points For Being Remembered

Hey Friend,

Hope your day is happy so far!

So last night, I finished up our Monday night member only mastermind (which went 2 hours!) and it was around 8 PM ish my time.

My family was waiting for me in the house, and I was tired after a long day.

I started to jump up from my desk and realized, I hadn't made my video for the day.

Should I bag it?

I've been making a daily video on my YouTube channel now for nearly 40 days straight, and I really didn't want to break the streak.

So I opened YouTube and went live to share some notes from my wife's Uncle's funeral from last Saturday.

The video is called "Uncle Gary's Legacy - 5 Points For Living A Life Worth Remembering" and you can watch it here if you want.

Cool thing about this particular video Friend, is that I didn't email this out yesterday, and I didn't share it on Social media, I just made it because I knew I wanted to and got it up.

We'll here's where the story gets interesting.

Later on last night, I got a text from a good friend who told me he'd been a bit torn up about people he loved who were no longer here.

Holidays sometimes tend to bring these feelings and memories out a bit more for us, have you noticed thisFriend?

Anyway, after our short chat, I felt inspired to send him this video I'd just made.

Who knows, maybe it could help him.

Well lo and behold, he watched the video and sent me this.

I guess the reason I share this with you today Friend, is because this is an example to me, that even if just 1 person gets value from an email you wrote or a video you made, it is totally worth it.

To have success, long term in any business, you MUST stay inspired, to stay the course.

You will have many times on your journey, where you'll question - is this even worth doing?

Is anyone reading my emails?

Is anyone watching my videos?

Am I even making a difference?

It's moments like these, with this video and my friend, that help to build belief that you must keep going.

So I guess that's the message my heart wanted me to give you today Friend.

Keep going no matter what!

Thanks for reading and whatever you do, always go for your dreams.

All the best,


PS - One of the biggest reasons I LOVE online marketing is that I get to make a living and a difference at the same time. This video is a perfect example of that.

If you are not feeling like you have this sense of fulfillment, in whatever business you're building right now Friend, I'd love to invite you to take a very close look at this Freedom And Life Purpose Uncovering Machine.

We are on a mission and I think my friend Bill Feaver is right when he says... "To me, this is a God thing" :-)