Subject: The Wattles Prophecy Fulfilled

Hey Friend,

Hope your day so far is AMAZING.

So I read a strange but enlightening idea in an old book some time ago where the author said that it was possible to step completely out of the competitive plane... (so there is zero competition)

How would it be if you could exist and do business in a way, where there were NO competitors. In other words, when your prospects and customers thought of the service or product they wanted, YOU were the ONLY game in town and they couldn't even think of anyone else that came close?

Pretty awesome to think about right?

The way this author said this was possible was to fully embrace the creative mindset and eliminate the competitive one.

He said that if you did this, you could become...

Wait for it....

"A citizen of another kingdom."

I've always loved that vision, but recently experienced fully what he meant.

This author's name is Wallace Wattles, and this is why I called this email..

The Wattles Prophecy Fulfilled

Yesterday I made this video explaining how this prophecy was fulfilled in my own life and business.

One of the ways that I strive to live in the creative mind is to tune out as much noise as possible.

What I mean by this is, I strive to not listen to or follow gurus so much, but instead listen to and follow my inner voice AND pay attention to the people around me, specifically the people I'm serving.

When I do this AND strive to apply the 8th law, I mention in this video, It feels like magic happens and I always seem to know what to do, and how to do it, in the best way possible.

Anyway, I really wanted to pass this video along in the hopes that it can inspire you and guide you to 'Become a citizen of another kingdom' because the rewards sure feel like they're 'out of this world.'

Wishing you all the best Friend, this day, and always.

To Freedom and Beyond,


PS - If you're open to plugging in to the most heart-centered, transformative community on the planet (at least that I know of) AND stepping into an income model that makes it possible to be free faster than anything I'm aware of...

And do all of that, in a way that's aligned 100% with your inner purpose and mission in life, I'd love to invite you to watch this video and read every single word on this page.

After you do, and if it resonates with you, feel free to fill out the form and get started immediately and send me an email and I'll be super happy to help you get moving in the right direction.

All the best, and I'm here to serve.