Subject: The Ultimate Freedom Vault Bonus REVEAL!

All right Friend, the day has FINALLY come!

If you were reading my emails a few months ago, you might remember me telling you that I'd been working hard on a bonus package that I wanted to make available to people who decide to get started with me.

I'm so sorry it took so long, BUT I wanted to make this different.

I didn't want it to be some random hodge podge of information that looked valuable but that didn't actually serve you on your road to freedom.

SOOO... that intention, along with the fact that some of my responsibilities as a company owner and team leader all combined to make it so it took me much longer to finish than I'd originally thought but I'm sincerely hoping it will prove to have been worth the wait for you.

On this page (link below), I show you ALL the bonuses, along with what some of my dear friends had to say about them...

You'll also see on this page, what a life long industry LEGEND and multiple 7 figure earner and legitimate home business millionaire has to say about how our company is different.

You'll also see in this video, some hinting at our 3rd product which I haven't mentioned in the emails up to this point, along with some bonuses that are attached to that product.

This 3rd product is completely optional and you can make a HUGE residual with us even without that product, but I wanted to to be aware of what it is, and why we have it before you decide to get started because, personally, I like to have all the facts at hand before I make an important decision.

(this page is only available until tomorrow night, Sunday the 27th and if you see the regular sales page when you click on the above link, it means you have missed the chance to see all of these things)

And make not mistake about it Friend, this is an important decision. Even if you decide to get started with me and us on the $25 dollar level, I'd like to think you are doing it with the intention of investing your heart, mind, time and soul into your goal of freedom - and while that may be a small financial decision, in the beginning, it's a big one over the course of your life.

So please, if you want to be one of the 5 people I'm looking for this weekend... take some time to watch this video all the way through.

It will also give you a real peek and insight into the people, heart and soul of our company to see if we are a group you can see yourself aligned with.

More tomorrow,
