Subject: The Temple Door

GOOOOOOD morning Friend!

I was at a school board meeting last night and we were interviewing candidates for an open position we are looking to fill.

The candidates were asked to address what they perceived to be the major challenges facing our kids and schools today.

Our school administrator went on to list apathy, as one of the primary issues he sees in kids. Apathy is when,

You just...


Someone in the room mentioned that this is not seen only in the students, but also, in some of the parents, which of course, filters down to the kids.

It got me thinking about solutions (as we entrepreneurs always do).

My personal opinion is that we, in the home business profession, are in one of the best positions to make a difference here.

When we introduce someone to a home business, be it network marketing or affiliate marketing - that has a great CULTURE and Training System involved....

We're not just introducing them to a way to grow an amazing income, we're also introducing them to The Temple Door.

We call it, 'personal development' and I think that's a clever word to disguise what's really happening.

What's really happening, if we do 'personal development' right, is we are introduced to the most powerful versions of ourselves.

When we meet that version, EVERYTHING changes.

To me, this is much more of a spiritual (not religious) transformation than anything else.

The light we have inside grows and connects to something higher.

It drives us to be the best, say the best, and do the best.

It sprinkles meaning into every aspect of everything we do.

It gives us purpose, faith and confidence.

It un wraps the divine gift of 'us' and unleashes it upon the world and the people of the world in the most powerful, enlightening, uplifting and divine way.

These things, and more, are behind The Temple Door.

You can catch the replay of this morning's life changing mastermind by clicking that link above or by dialing 712-432-0990 Access Code 565762#.

I believe making the decision to listen to can be a gift for you on your journey today.

All the best,


PS - If you happen to be in the market for a passive income vehicle with a culture and community that is 100% in alignment with everything I mentioned in this email, and is intent on shining a light in the world and being the change we wish to see,

For ourselves, our kids, our futures and society at large,

... I would love to encourage you to watch this video and read every single word on this page. If you resonate with the vibe of our tribe, the only logical thing to do next would be to fill out the form and get started A.S.A.P.

We only have so much time on this earth to make the difference we're supposed to make and do it with the people we're supposed to do it with.

After over 10 years building various businesses from home, this is the first time in my entire career that I've felt 100% in alignment with every single thing.

What we've created here, is truly a rarity.