Subject: The Shift

Hey Friend!

I sincerely hope all is well in your world today.

This morning on the Grow Rich Mastermind, I talked about a profound shift I'd had inside, over a decade ago that's made a HUGE difference in how my life and business have worked out.

See I was born into somewhat of a turbulant family.

We lived in a double wide trailer-house, my dad was an alcoholic and we always drove pretty old and used cars.

As a kid, I was very concious of the fact that others around us, seemed to have money, and we didn't.

In fact, I'm ashamed to admit now, that when my mom would drive my sister and I places, I would sometimes duck down in the back seat of the car so my friends wouldn't seem me riding in my mom's older car.

I didn't want them to know I was poor.

These and other experiences led me to feel like I was somehow "Less than" others who seemed to have more of something special that I was missing out on.

This feeling stayed with me all through high school, college and clear up into the first little bit of my marriage.

In those early days, I was working for a billion dollar direct sales company, and I was often surrounded by people who were much more "Successful" than I was.

I still remember feeling so small around those people. Like I was ducking my soul, metaphorically speaking, down into the back seat of the car we were riding in together, so they wouldn't see how much "less than" I was than they were.

One day, this all changed.

I was reading a book and stumbled upon some magical lines on a page that read...

"You are not inferior, you are not superior, You are just you!"

I restated the lines to myself this way...

"I am not inferior, I am not superior, I am ME and I LOVE that!"

Suddenly, for the first time In my life I knew that just because someone had more money than me...

Or drove a nicer car than me...

Or lived in a nicer home than me...

Didn't mean they were BETTER than me.

This was the shift that allowed me to show up to an awards banquet with a room full of successful, influential people and be myself - without feeling at all that I was less than the people in the room.

For the first time in my life, I was able to laugh, smile, ask questions, have fun and just be in the moment with the people who were there to do the same thing.

People didn't look at me like I was less than them, they actually liked me!

Truthfully, I was surprised.

But I had so much fun being myself and not putting myself down in my brain - I decided to keep doing it.

And people kept liking it!

Anyway, I told this whole story on the Grow Rich Mastermind call today and you can listen to it here if you want.

You can also dial 712-432-0990 Access 565762# if you'd rather tune in using your phone.

Maybe there will be some nuggets that can help you have a shift or 2 in good direction if you decide to listen.

I'm confident in saying there's a good change that can happen, because it's never just me in these calls.

We have a whole sooper dooper awesome and amazing grab bag of incredibly happy, successful and influential people who pour into these to make them a great experience for those who listen.

Reguardless Friend, I'm hoping to remind you today, in this email that you are important and matter just as much as any other human soul on this planet.

No one is better or worse than you.

The more you lean into this great truth, the easier it will be to feel like you belong around those who you percieve have more 'success' than you, so you can learn from them...

You'll also be able to help reach a hand down to others who might be struggling to realize that they too, belong, and help them pull themselves up.

That's all for now Friend.

Keep shining your light!


PS: The other day I talked to a cool guy named Ty, who was looking for a way to build some great marketing pages for his network marketing business.

I told him about our Funnel Builder and how it can do most anything anyone would ever need for online creations, it's a fraction of the cost, pays 80% commissions AND doesn't have $50,000 of upsells along with it.

Anyway I figured I'd mention it to you here in this email Friend, just in case you didn't know about it.

Also, if you're looking for a way to grow a residual income that...

  • Grows faster when you make sales (80% commissions)

  • Isn't here today, gone tomorrow

  • Is honest

  • Makes people and the world better

  • Is fun

  • Has TONS Of support

You may want to take a close look at this video presentation.