Subject: The Seeds In The Weeds

Hey Friend,

Earlier this week, I was outside pulling some weeds, with my son Camden sitting next to me.

I asked him.. "Son, do you think I enjoy pulling weeds?"

He said... "Heck no dad."

I said, 'actually son, I really enjoy it..."

He was a bit surprised and so I went on to tell him why.

First, it's meditative.

I'm no floating guru, but from what I've read about meditation, it's about focusing your mind on a simple repetitive activity, that keeps you present, like breathing, mantras or... yes, even pulling weeds.

It focuses my mind, which allows all my troubles and whatever else that tends to occupy my mind, to just melt away.

'The other reason I enjoy it son, is because it reminds me that to keep anything beautiful, weeds must be pulled.

It helps me to remember to pull the weeds from my life too."

I sat my family down the other night and told them this story.

We went on to talk about how we might pull the weeds from our family relationship, and cultivate the soil a little bit better.

We decided to invest a minimum of 30 minutes per day, spending quality time as a family. (no TV or phones or movies)

We're each going to take a turn, being in charge of the activity.

Last night my youngest son Kashton was in charge, and he picked a game for us to play.

The game went an hour, and by the end of the time together, I was a bit frustrated and exhausted.

Some of my kid's fought and teased each other.

Another one would yell and get mad at the person who didn't pick his card.

We got them all to bed, and I resolved to stay committed to doing this with my family, even though it was hard.

I mean when you first go to a patch of soil, to pull weeds that haven't been pulled in a while, what do you expect (i told myself)

You have to expect there will be lots of weeds to pull.

The worst thing I could do is quit, after some ground had been cleared.

My belief is, that if we keep pulling those weeds, we'll have more space to plant seeds.

Good seeds.

Seeds of love, and patience and wisdom.

Seeds of lessons for a better life for my kid's.

Seeds of harmony.

Seeds of understanding.

Look at any stunning flower bed, or well manicured garden where peace and beauty fill the space...

And it's easy to see that it all could have been, just a weed patch.

But someone, at some time decided...

"I'm going to pull these weeds, and make this beautiful."

And they did.

So whether it's your business, your finances, your marriage, your family or your friendships Friend...

Take the time to pull the weeds.

Yes, it can be daunting at first.

But if you keep pulling, and keep planting... it seems to get easier and better, over time...

I know this to be true in certain aspects of my life... and have a feeling it's probably true, in all of them.

One of my old millionaire mentors used to say that 'all disciplines affect one another.'

So if you decide to pick just one spot in your life to start pulling weeds, odds are, you'll see flowers and beauty blooming in the others too.

Thanks for reading and wishing you all the best today, and everyday.


PS - One of our business partners asked me the other day, what our recent growth looked like so I did a little research and took this snapshot.

This is April to August of this year.

I'm so happy and thankful for this growth, because it represents a lot of residual income going out to great people throughout the world...

The truth is though, I think I'm most excited about this growth because it's taking a message that can help people be better dads, moms, friends, and members of humanity - and putting it in front of those who have 'eyes to see'.

The only way this world gets better, is when we as people get better... and this is a way, we're trying to have a positive affect on that.

If you're up for taking a look at what we're doing to see if it might be a harmonic fit for you, please watch this video intro with me, or you can also go directly to this presentation page that my friend Nick designed for us all to use.

Regardless, keep going and growing Friend.

Better things are waiting...

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