Subject: The Mysterious Prophecy Of Carl Jung

Hey Friend,

Got a few things percolating around in my conciousness today that you may find some value in. (fingers totally crossed) :-)   

A few weeks back, I shared a quote on social media from Carl Jung that went as follows:

"No matter how isolated you are and how lonely you feel, if you do your work truly and concientiously, unknown friends will come and seek you."

That quote resonated as deeply true for my journey and so I posted it, without thinking much more about it.

This month, our negative character attribute is disloyalty, so a few days ago, I made a video on the topic, attempting to understand it a bit more myself.

For some reason, loyalty, is a word that I seem to feel more with my heart than I understand with my brain, and so defining it, has been a bit of a challenge for me.

Coincidentally, my good Friend Bill Moist, who's been hosting our Grow Rich Mastermind every Thursday, called me to let me know he wants to focus all of his energy on fully restoring his health as he's been dealing with a little bit of a challenge in that area.

Of course I understood completely and let him know he had my full support.

Who would I have to fill in for him?

I already knew. A name was floating in my brain, of another long time friend, Jessie Jenkins over in New York.

I called her up yesterday to make the invitation and she was thrilled to accept.

While I was talking with her, she told me that she already had someone in mind to take over her current role as "Harmonic Engineer" because a short time back, another friend of ours "Kristi Hall" had offered to serve in her place if changes were ever needed.

And in the course of a few days, everything was handled in "Divine Order" as my other friend Minister Kristian likes to say.

On this morning's call as I made the announcement, I was inspired to search my email inbox to see how long Jessie and Bill had been tuning in and serving on our call.

Here's what I found.

Jessie opted into my email list in 2013 and Bill attended his first call in 2014.

Each of them, for a decade or so, have been showing up, adding value, serving, lifting and lightening my load, along with the loads of countless numbers of people who have tuned into that call for strength, education and community.

Suddenly, I had pictures of loyalty staring me in the face, no definition needed.

And then, as I thought more about this, I realized that The Prophecy of Carl Jung had materialized, right before my very eyes.

"No matter how isolated you are and how lonely you feel, if you do your work truly and concientiously, unknown friends will come and seek you."

And so Friend, I made this little video today elaborating on this strange sequence of events, sharing more of the story, and hopefully illustrating the very real possibility, that if this prophecy came true for me, maybe it can come true for you too as well (if it hasn't already).

To Freedom - and beyond,

Paul Hutchings

PS: Today's mastermind is called The Foundation Of All Things Good and some who listened really seemed to like it.

Here's one comment I saw on social media...

We also read a bit from Compensation by The Sage of Concord, always a joy to catch some of the glimmerings of truth in those pages.

You can dial into the replay at 712-432-0990 Access: 565762# or click here to listen online.

PPS:  Bill called me after the mastermind and one of the things he said was... "You know Paul, in all the years I've been with you guys, not once have I ever got the feeling that it was all about the money. Instead, I've always felt it was about the people."

That is one of the greatest compliments I think we could recieve.

Thank you Bill.

And while we do have a very lucrative way to grow an income with what we do, I always hope that people will remember that if you take care of the people, the people will take care of you, and so will the money.

Thanks for reading Friend, and I hope you have a great weekend!

Oh, one last thing, if you've recently gotten started with us in the business side of things, we have a new member orientation scheduled for tomorrow morning. Be sure to watch your inbox for the link.