Subject: The Magic Of Chaos & The Dark

Grand Rising Friend and happy Freedom Freaking Friday!

I wanted to pass along an idea that's been percolating around in my mind the last few weeks, that to me, feels deep, profound and transformative.

A couple months ago, I worked my way through a lecture series on YouTube.

The teacher was expressing some simple but profound ideas that could apply to every human on the planet.

Part of the message was that, as humans, we are always navigating our way through known territory (that which we're familiar with and have mastered in some degree) and unknown territory or Chaos (that which is unknown to us).

This teacher also happened to have an extensive background in brain science and pointed out that when we encounter unknown territory, our physical bodies tend to produce a response that is not pleasant.

Our cortisol levels rise, as a result of the 'stress response' caused by this unfamiliar experience.

For no other reason in the world than this, it makes perfect sense that people are generally hesitant and fearful to engage in activities that produce this state of being.

The problem though, is that growth in life, progress in life, bigger and better results in life, usually are all found in and through the encounter of the unknown.

The hero of the story, is usually the one who is willing to face chaos and advance the cause, help the people, do the good - even though the hero may have no idea how it's all going to play out in the end.

As people, we refer to these qualities of character as faith and courage, and maybe one of the reasons that these types of movies and stories are so appealing to virtually every person in the world, is that we see something in the hero that we admire and desire to emulate in our lives.

I remember starting my first home business when I was living in a trailer-house and my mentor told me I needed to schedule some appointments for the weekend.

I held the phone in my hand in the back room of that mobile home and paced around in semi-terror.

My hands sweating, my body temperature rising, my breath quickening...

I was on the edge of stepping into the un-known, and was feeling the fear.

I was facing the choice that we all face, at one point or another in our lives...

Do I rise and step forward in courage or do I retreat and settle back into comfort and stability wrapped in the warm blanket of what I was familiar with?

Emerson said,

"And we are now men, and must accept in the highest mind the same transcendent destiny; and not minors and invalids in a protected corner, not cowards fleeing before a revolution, but guides, redeemers, and benefactors, obeying the Almighty effort, and advancing on Chaos and the Dark."

Advancing on chaos and the dark!

In that moment, I chose to advance... I made the calls... and kept making the calls...

I kept stepping and stepping and stepping until that which was unknown to me, became known.

That which was uncomfortable, became comfortable and familiar.

The financial rewards were incredible... and the growth I felt on the inside, more rewarding than any dollar ever could be.

I find myself today, still facing various types of chaos and darkness.

They are different now than the ones I faced in the past.

But the response and required courage is the same.

Will I advance on new forms of Chaos and the dark?

I believe I will and am summoning all of my spiritual resources to do so.


Because to me, this is life. I resonate with what Emerson said above, and feel that charging forward, doing good, creating, learning and discovering... is the path that's most in harmony with the divine that I'm seeking to connect with.

Like Emerson also said... "The work of God shall not be made manifest by cowards."

I believe that you Friend, and I can both charge forward in faith and courage, plowing through whatever chaos presents itself to us.

I believe that magic is found in and through this pattern of behavior.

I believe we all have a hero inside of us and that The Mandalorian was right when he said...

"This is the way."

Hope these simple thoughts have encouraged you to face the day, and embrace whatever situations you're dealing with like the champion you are.

Thanks so much for reading, and whatever you do, always go for your dreams.

All the best,

Paul Hutchings

PS - One form of chaos that I am just about through, is planning for our FREEEEEEEEEEEEEDOM Fest event next week. This event is, I believe, going to be transformative and beneficial for any and all truth seeking freedom crusaders in the world.

It's open to the public, as long as you have a dream of freedom and are a heart-centered individual.

If that sounds like it's up your alley Friend, I'd love to invite you to be my guest virtually next week by learning all about the event here on this page and picking up a ticket if it resonates with you.