Subject: The Magic "Heart Centered" Sauce ❤️

Morning Friend!

(or afternoon or evening of course if you're reading this at a time other than when I'm writing this email)

I have noticed, as I've built my email list over the years, that people tend to trickle into the emails days, and sometimes even weeks after they're sent.

*That's just a random thing to be aware of if you're building an email list.   

Anyway, this morning I got a message from a friend, who told me I should answer a question that had been posed on Social media by someone who was asking...

"Can someone explain to me what "heart centered" marketing is? I'm a little confused over here."

I'm thankful that my friend Susan, thought of me when she saw this post so I did my best to answer.

I'd like to share this answer and maybe elaborate a bit because, I believe, that understanding this more can not only help make you a better marketer, but also can help to create a better world.

This is definitely part of the change we wish to be, both in the home business space and in the broader world at large.

I believe THIS is the REAL magic sauce behind all of the success I've been able to experience online, and it's the magic sauce behind our richly rewarding and profitible business.

You can watch the replay here if you like, or keep reading as I'm going to outline some of the points here in this email, in case your more of a reader than a video watcher.

I'll begin with sharing the response I wrote on the post I was invited to comment on.

"I’m sure it means different things to different people. We started using it many years ago before it started popping up in ads.

To us, it means having honesty, authenticity and compassion in business and for people.

To strive to do business in a way that helps all, hurts no one and perhaps even adds something to the world via a philanthropic tie in.

To us, it also means “people over profits” and/or “capitalism tempered with the golden rule.”

Lastly, to value wealth and prosperity but to never put money over principles or sacrifice your character to make a buck.

To remember that there are other forms of “pay” than money and to strive to build a business rich in all forms of compensation.

“If money is all you have in your paycheck at the end of the week, you have been grossly underpaid.” -Napoleon Hill


So yes, that's definitely a good starting point for explaining the magic sauce, but as I thought about it, I realized there's a bit more to the story and wanted to share a few extra points on this topic.

First, someone who strives to be a heart-centered marketer goes beyond "features and benefits" in their messages.

It's a recognition that facts are black and white while genuine, honest, authentic & heart felt stories add color, flavor, emotion and connection do the ingredients.

If you're trying to "Get" something you may talk about features, benefits, bonuses, commission rate etc. in every email or video you create.

On the flip side, If you're trying to "Give" something, you'll instead tell stories that do something, touch something and deliver something to the people - whether they ever join or buy anything from you.

It's in the process of telling stories while trying to be of value to your listeners that strong bonds are created.

People can 'feel the love' in your communication and this tends to help them see so much more in you, your vision, and your messages, than any product or service could ever offer.

When people resonate with you as a person, a fellow human, a friend on this road of life - trust and loyalty are elicited and this can have the effect of securing long term relationships with your customers and team members.

I've heard more than one person in our community say "I'm a lifer."

What would cause someone to say something like that?

Is it because they love the product or the comp plan so much?


It's because via stories and interactions, these people have come to believe that the benefits of what they get by being with us - along with the vision we help to inspire for them, and their futures... along with the values that we share together - help them come to the conclusion that "Our vibe is their tribe, for life."

I highly doubt that any product or compensation plan or "Money Message" could ever produce an effect like this.

So heart centered marketers realize that marketing is not some game to be played with words.

It's more of a journey to be traveled with people.

Remembering this as you communicate, can help you to create content that transcends any product or comp plan and all hum drum, black & white marketing chitter chatter, and instead...

Fills it with color, flavor and soul and makes what you do, VERY hard to compete with.

Secondly, heart centered marketers strive to communicate from a place of authenticity and inspiration.

They never say something, that's not true, just to get something.

To heart centered marketers - this would be way too much of a sacrifice.

Rather, they strive to speak the truth.

The truth about what?

The truth about things, people and events they are experiencing in life that are touching them, and that have the chance of also touching and adding value to others.

You can't get more authentic than by talking about REAL LIFE.

So heart centered marketers are concious travelers on this life journey, reflecting on all the events of each day, and of the events that led us to this day.

They look for the lessons, the emotions, and the meaning in it all and then do their best to package those things in a way that can be valuable to others.

They pay attention to inspiration and have the courage to SAY what they feel inspired to say.

This is the polar opposite approach from saying what you think your audience WANTS you to say.

To truly help people, you sometimes have to say what your audience might not want to hear.

This is how we all help each other grow.

If you're only saying what you think people want to hear, you're never going to be truly authentic and different in your messages.

Rather you'll be more like a cookie cutter robot where every step, word, thought and belief can be guessed beforehand because you're an automaton playing a role.

People don't want to be friends (or do long term business) with pre-programmed robots who never have any unique thoughts or spins on life, business and reality.

You can avoid falling into this trap by just being yourself and speaking authentically while following inspiration (AKA, your heart.)

And Finally, heart-centered marketers always strive to consider the affect their words and actions will have on the group, community, audience etc.... rather than living from a place of pure self interest.

Their goal is to always help and never hurt.

This makes it so heart-centered marketers will consider the fact that sometimes there are things that produce sales, but hurt people in the process.

They will avoid these actions even though it could have been profitible to them in the short term.

One example would be... 

It's easy to hype something up and layer lie upon lie to the equation, and thereby make it VERY attractive to people.

Heart centered marketers realize that lies hurt people and choose to skip over the fast, cheap profits - and instead, continue to build long term character - which may be far more profitible anyway, in the end.

It all boils down to wanting to do the right thing vs. the profitible thing, if ever there is a forced choice between the 2.

Thankfully, it seems that we can do the right thing and build profitible businesses all at the same time.

So to recap...

  1. Fill your marketing messages with color, vibrance and LIFE via stories that move people instead of relying on boring, black & white - facts, figures & benefits.

  2. Communicate these stories via authenticity and inspiration with your only 'Hidden Agenda' as helping people.

  3. Always seek the highest good for all involved, which sometimes means skipping over a short term profit for yourself.

I'm probably speaking to the choir with this email as I'm guessing those who don't resonate with this message would have unsubscribed long ago, so HUGE kudos to YOU Friend, for helping to be the change via heart-centered marketing.

I love and appreciate you and us crazy one's have to stick together.

Thanks for reading,


PS: "Keep preaching to the choir because they're the one's with butts in the seats." ;-)  

PPS: If you want to hear the call I referenced in this email, that is a great example of "heart-centered marketing" you can dial 712-432-0990 Access 565762# or click here to listen online, before tomorrow (august 31, at 9 AM EST).