Subject: The Hype Hangover

Happy Saturday Friend,

One of the most common and almost irresisitble temptations in building a business from home, is to say ANYTHING, and EVERYTHING to entice someone to join.

Enthusiasm is excitement for something that's real, and hype is excitement for something that's not real.

Stephen Covey said in his book the seven habits of highly effective people, “you can’t pick up one end of the stick without picking up the other.”

Getting drunk on hype may be fun and exciting while the parties raging,

But when the brain beer wears off, it’s possible to find the other end of the stick beating you in the head.

“Sell the sizzle not the steak”, they say, conveniently ignoring the fact, that sizzle has a shelf life,

…and the steak is what the customer will be left with after the sizzle is gone.

Just looking for a fast sale?

Fine, hype seems to work great for that.

But if you’re interested in building a long-term reputation and business?

Consider this,

Billionaire Richard Branson said, “in life and business, the same people tend to keep popping up again and again, and so it’s in your own best interest to treat them well.”

Exaggerating or distorting the truth in order to make a sale, is not only a form of dishonesty,

… it’s also, according to Jim Rohn, a form of theft because in “dressing” up the truth to make it serve your purposes, you’ve literally stolen someone else’s sense of reality.

Those who are paying attention, typically don’t appreciate being lied to or stolen from.

Thankfully, life can be forgiving and the hangovers do wear off.

They’ll just keep coming back until we learn the lesson.

Hope this message has added value to your life and business today Friend.

Thanks so much for reading.

Hope you have a great weekend.

Paul Hutchings


PS - I used to work for a billion dollar per year direct sales company and I got to spend time with the owner, even flying in his private jet on several occasions.

He absolutely HATED hype and preached against it often.

Why? Why did this highly successful man, with a billion dollar per year company hate hype? I'm guessing because he knew that hype is short term, but truth is long term.

In The HBA, we aspire to be an example in the online space of how you can build a profitible, soul-filling residual income - without hype. By telling the truth. By being good to people.

This morning, on our new members orientation, we got this great compliment.

If you want to take a peek, to see if we and our vision, community and culture (and 80% residual payout plan) might be a fit for you, here's the door to dig a little deeper. 

Oh, and before I could finish writing this email, this note came in through the chat.

How cool is that Friend?

You can fill out this form to get started today, if you're ready. (and haven't already joined of course) ;-)