Subject: The Handshake Of God

Happy Friend,

I just posted a new short video on my Bible Personal development series called The Handshake Of God, & wanted to send it to you, just in case you wanted to check it out.

This one has my voice in it as opposed to the AI voice I've been using for these videos. I got an email from a friend & subscriber who said she likes hearing my voice, so I did this one that way, to see how it would turn out.

If you've been following these videos, please feel free to leave me a comment on one of them & let me know if you have a preference and I'll do my best to please the greatest number of people. :-)

I sincerely hope you're finding some value in these videos.

The words and thoughts of the videos are mine (other than the initial seed thought or phrase I'm taking from the Bible) and they often take at least an hour of thought, reflection and wordsmithing before I feel like they are where they need to be to put out, on dispay, for you.

You might wonder why I'm bothering to make these videos since my main intention in life and business is to help people build lives of freedom via residual income, and that would be a great question.

There are probably many good answers to that question, many more than I care to write about today anyway, but I do want to leave you with a couple, that may be relevant to you and what you're doing in the home business space.

One of the greatest assets that assisted me, on my road to freedom, was inspiration and the belief that there was something higher going on, in all my seemingly mundane business activities.

Connecting with prospects on the phone, or in a facebook chat, creating content that may or may not generate any kind of interest or response....

Sometimes it was hard.

Sometimes I felt rejected.

Sometimes, I wanted to quit.

It was my deep belief that there was a higher purpose and meaning to it all, that kept me going.

I'm really not sure I would have made it, without this belief and connection to the idea that what I was doing mattered on some level, that was much bigger than everything else I seemed to be facing in physical reality.

Additionally, my search for truth, while on my road to freedom, led me to a continual process of belief change.

Questioning my assumptions, continually challenging what I thought I knew and sacrificing it on the alter of truth when I found something more worthy...

This was perhaps, the 2nd most important process that helped me to free myself.

I often wonder,

"What is it, that I can say or do or teach, that will help people get the results they desire, and be free?"

Is it prospecting skills?

Is it traffic & lead generation?

Is it closing skills?

Is it email marketing?

Is how to pick, stick & stay with the right business while learning to avoid the wrong ones?

Maybe... and/or maybe, it's also that I don't need to teach any of that stuff (since we already have it all inside HBA)...

Maybe it's better if I continue my search to follow my heart, and be an example for others as they do that as well.

Maybe if I continue to strive to connect myself with the highest resources available to me, and help you do that too, you'll automatically decide to step into, and keep stepping into the highest versison of yourself... finding exactly what you need to do to make that happen, whether I teach it or not.

Reguardless, I feel like my greatest successes in life, have always come from following the whisperings of my heart, and right now, my heart is feeling very called to go on this journey with these videos.

So if you're creating content Friend, or wondering what kind of content you should create, you may consider asking yourself, first and foremost...

  • What area of study is my heart calling me to?

  • What area of study will I derive tremendous value from?

  • What area of study can I derive value from - that I can then also turn into content, that others can benefit from as well?

And maybe, just maybe Friend, if your heart is telling you to do something that's at odds with what all the goo roos are telling you to do,

... Maybe it is, that you're heart is right, and the goo roos are not right, for you.

Thanks for reading, and whatever you do...

Always go for your dreams.

Paul Hutchings

This is a picture of 3 of my 4 sons, and I, at the ski lodge yesterday. Sure love these kids and super thankful I have time to invest in them.

PS - I hosted the Grow Rich Mastermind yesterday and we ended up naming it The Semi Secret Freedom Formula. You can listen to it here or by dialing 712-432-0990 Access 565762# if you'd like to a bit more than 60 second clips of what I have to say.