Subject: The Gold In 4 Soul Crushing Failures...

Hey Friend

My first company moved half my downline and slashed my commissions.

I didn’t quit.

My 2nd company changed the comp plan, broke a promise and slashed my commissions.

I didn’t quit.

My 3rd company decided to remove the network marketing aspect of the company and stole every penny of everyone’s commissions.

I didn’t quit.

My 3rd company launched a ‘sister’ company, confused the heck out of my rapidly growing downline and sank my check like the Titanic.

I didn’t quit.

My 4th company implemented monthly sales quotas, destroying the ‘residual’ aspect of the business which was the core reason I decided to ever even build a business from home.

I really, really, really felt like quitting, and even came close this time.

I didn’t quit.

Instead, I got together with my one of my best friends who was also a team member and decided to keep the dream alive by starting our own company.

I built a new residual income stream for my family, as an affiliate, in a company we created from thin air, that’s been supporting us well now since day 1.

Aside from being able to replace a great income for myself, we’ve been able to help many, many, more earn as well, now having paid out over 1.3 million in commissions. (The bulk of that going to other people besides myself and my business partner).

This has been by far, the funnest most rewarding thing I’ve ever done in business.

I could have used all of the experiences listed above as reasons to quit.

They would have sounded great to people and many would have totally understood and never blamed or criticized me for quitting.

But the truth is,

...they really,

…would have been nothing more than excuses for quitting on my dream, myself, and others.

And deep down, I would have always known that.

It seems to me, that if your honest with yourself, and ask…

‘Is there anything else I can do with these cards that have been dealt, to improve things and keep moving forward?’

The answer is always, yes.

The cool thing about our business now is that we’re past the testing phase.

The time when most business fail.

The time when it’s the hardest because, being new, you don’t have much to show others (besides your heart and your vision)

Now, we have a track record.

Now, we have a culture of the most heart centered, talented, giving and committed people I’ve ever been blessed to work with.

Now, I feel like, we are ready to open the floodgates and really see what this thing can do, and how many people we can help.

If you’re in the market for something different, special, profitable and rewarding,

Something that can light you up in the morning and make you feel so good when you lay your head down on your pillow each night.

Click Here to see our brand spankin new - super dooper intro page (with 7 minute video) so you can take a close look at what we’ve created - to see if it might be something you can benefit from.

And regardless, whatever you do - please never quit on your dream - no matter how good the reason may seem.

Choose to take 100% full, maximum and COMPLETE responsibility for your better future.

It’s been my experience that beautiful things can happen when you do.

Thanks for reading!
