Subject: The Divine Gift

Hey Friend,

Here's my Divine Gift for you today.

I hope it brings even more peace to your heart, like it does to mine.

Thank you Teresa Christian, Kristian Craige & Rita Joye Gray for helping me to see, that my voice in these videos, is much more authentic and powerful, than any computer generated voice could ever be. The same is true for you Friend.

When we choose to remember that our voice can be a gift for the world, we can step more confidently into the space of owning our words by filling them and stamping them with the magic of us.

Also, I wanted to say "I'm sorry" and do a bit of 'splainin.'

If you have emailed me, or private messaged me, and haven't recieved a response, there's a reason - and it's me, not you.

HBA, the company I co-founded and am helping to lead, has been growing beyond what I ever hoped or envisioned in the beginning.

When we started this company, our goal was to just 'be the change' and build something that we could be proud of. One where we could strive to live into the highest version of ourselves, and one where we could earn an income while doing this.

We built it in a way where, even if it stayed tiny, that would be ok because we'd be earning enough, to fulfill the goal I mentioned above.

It didn't have to grow.. It didn't have to become anything other than a place that we could be proud of.

Turns out, there are lots of other people like us out there in the world, and so - the growth has come, and all signs indicate that it will continue.

Now, let me get back to the point.

This has created a unique challenge for me.

With more and more and more people, getting introduced to me, and my voice, have come increasing demands on my time.

The personal emails and the personal messages increased to the point where one day - I looked at it all and said "I don't like my life anymore."

I'm all about freedom, and I worked very hard and long to build it, and one day, all of a sudden, it felt like I had many, many, many little bosses - requesting help.

All throughout my career, responding to each person, and doing my best to shine whatever light I was supposed to shine, has been super important to me, and I've always done my best to help every, single, person I could.

Suddenly, I found that it was no longer possible to do this, and still love my life and enjoy some semblance of the freedom I had created for myself.

Outside of business, of course there's my wife and 4 kids who deserve the best of me, there's my rental business which has suddenly been another demand on my time, mind and energy (we had one rental require a major renovation, and now I have another with a tenant who's 20 days late on rent - and a pending eviction)...

There's the school board I serve on...

There's the responsibilities that come with helping to build a company - which has it's own unique sets of things that require attention.

But hey, we're all busy right? ha ha...

Point is, sometimes, somethings just have to give....

And so for the last month or 2 - I've deleted my desire and need to respond to most of the individual messages coming into my life...

This has been necessary for my peace and sanity.

I hope you understand.

And as with all things, there's a lesson here.

A couple maybe... ;-)

  1.   It's possible to build yourself and your value and your heart to a point where more and more and more people want what you have to give.   This is a good thing, and to me, it's a testament to what all my best mentors have taught me. That if you 'work harder on yourself, than you do on your job' and 'strive to go the extra mile' for people... The payoffs are there waiting, and can even be much bigger and more rewarding than you ever could imagine.

  2. Building your business in a way that's leveraged, is an important aspect to preparing yourself for this future state. I still feel that people are important, and that we all deserve to be seen, and felt, and helped and understood - So you'll never hear me say to abandon all one on one interaction, in favor of 'leverage'.

Each person's journey is unique and each of us, have to find our own way up the mountain of life.

To me, all the frienships, and interactions I've had with people over the years, have helped make me who I am and I don't know that I'd be here without them.

They taught me so much about life, and people, and helped me to develop a heart filled with empathy for the human condition.

They helped me to grab reality, and compare it to what I was learning in books so that I could sort and sift and hold to what was real and worth holding onto.

These are all assets, I wouldn't trade.

That being said, If I want my service to continue to help more and more people - leverage must be a pillar in my strategy for doing that.

The way I'm doing that in HBA, Is via 12 live masterminds each and every week.

5 of them are open and available to the general public here in our Grow Rich Mastermind.

I have to do my best, to encourage people who know me and who want to ask me questions, to please use these as much as possible, rather than personally message me on social media.

Additionally, all of my best training is inside our community membership here, and you can access it all, 24/7 - anytime you like, if you're not a member yet, and decide it's something you want to join.

I held nothing back as the goal was to make this a gift, we could give to others, that might help them on their road to freedom.

So Friend, that's why i've been more difficult to reach than normal, and I sincerely hope you can understand.

Thanks for reading, and as always, whatever you do, ALWAYS go for your dreams.

Most sincerely,

Paul Hutchings