Subject: The Courage To Speak

Happy Sunday Friend,

I wanted to talk to you for a moment about something that seems to be required as you progress forward in the most powerful way through business and life.


And more specifically, courage to speak.

You see courage is not something you have that sits silently inside.

Courage is an attribute that's expressed through action.

To grow your business, you'll need a voice, but more so, you'll have to have the courage to use that voice - so others can hear your soul.

Here's something that's helped me with this.

Remembering that it's not YOU that needs to be heard.

But rather, the message.

If you have an important message to share, the pressure and focus is removed from you and placed on the message.

Most of our fear comes from placing too much focus on ourselves.

We worry about how we will be perceived.

Will they laugh at us?

Will they criticize us?

Will they ignore us?

Will they persecute us?

Will they sing along with us?

Great communicators seem to make the important shift from 'us' to 'the message'.

If the message is important enough - we must speak. Again, not so we can be heard, but so the message can be heard.

And even if our audience is zero, or small, the message is worth singing into the world.

And even if we are the only one's tuning into the song - the truth within us grows stronger.

I believe we all have music within us and it's our job to begin or continue to open our mouths.

That's how music is made and that's how businesses, people, and the world grow and gather in harmony.

Yesterday, I had a message in my heart. One that I was scared to share.

I reached down deep inside and found the courage to follow my own advice and pushed the 'go live' button on my Facebook profile and started to speak.

Within an hour, I received a text message from some friends here in my local home town, thanking me for my message.

later on during the day, another similar message.

The comments on the video were overwhelmingly positive.

My message had struck a chord and I like to think that maybe, just maybe, it has planted a seed for others, to have the courage to speak.

My message yesterday was not business related, but you can see it here if you'd like.

Regardless Friend, I really just want to remind you that I need your courage. Your team needs your courage. Your prospects need your courage. And your future, needs your courage.

It won't be perfect, but it will get better and better over time, if you continue to heed the call of your heart and speak the inspiration that's given to you, for you, and others.

All the best,



PS - With this, you can develop and strengthen your voice, and grow your cash flow at the same time.