Subject: That Time $100K+ Vanished Overnight

So crazy story for you today Friend,

This was a couple years ago and here's how it happened.

I went to bed staring at the financial numbers bouncing around on my phone screen, excited and hopeful at the consistent and simple profits my friends and I had been pulling over the last few weeks.

As the sun comes up the next morning, I arise to frantic text messages crying out,

We got wiped out’,

‘it’s all gone’,

‘All the money has disappeared.’

Just like that, in the duration of a night’s rest, $80,000 gone.

$60,000 poof.

$40,000 flushed down the toilet, never to be seen again.

And more.

In this episode of The Paul Hutchings podcast, I share what went wrong,

...along with some helpful lessons for making sure this type of cash evaporation event, never happens to you or anyone you care about, again.

Sincerely hope you find it helpful.


PS - This is how I'm choosing to make an impact in the business world, helping people to build freedom, through principle centered leadership. If you resonate with what's on that video, I hope you'll follow the instructions and click the blue button below to get started. (if you haven't already done so) :-)