Subject: Simple Secrets To Marketing Attraction

Happy FREEDOM Friday Friend,

So yesterday I was talking to this lady on the phone who's getting started with our company this weekend.

As we were talking, she told me "You know, the reason I find myself attracted to what you guys are doing, is because of what you stand for and what you believe."

Then, later on, she mentioned the products that we have.

That right there, is a HUGE insight. She mentioned 'resonating' with the vibe of our tribe first, and products 2nd.

Jim Rohn said, 'Success is something you attract by the person you've become.'

If you can become great by understanding and applying great values and principles, your attraction power goes WAY up.

And if you can build great principles into the culture of whatever community you're building with...

That magnetic power is amplified 10, 20, even 100 fold or more.


Anyway, it got me thinking about attraction and marketing and messaging and I shared a few more tips on our morning mastermind today.

I put the whole replay here on my blog, and even broke out an 8 minute section you can listen to if you're in a rush.

Make it a great day Friend. Take action, go for your dreams, love & serve people in the best way you know how and GREAT things are bound to follow.

All the best,
