Subject: Should Faith Be Private & Separate From Home Biz?

Hey Friend,

A few weeks ago I was having a conversation with a great friend & business partner, Nick.

We were talking about feeling called to share a bit more of our faith in our marketing.

Fast forward to this week, I met one of the coolest guys EVER, and he told me..

"One thing that attracted me to you and your business is the message of faith that you share in your marketing."


In this video, I share some thoughts on sharing faith in marketing, along with a handful of thoughts that are guiding my thinking on how to do this in a way where..

  • I attract the people I want to work with and

  • I don't create more dis-harmony or feelings of discord in people.

This can be tricky to do but I sincerely believe it's possible.

For the right people, this could potentially be the most important thing we learn to do effectively, if we want the world to get better.

Here's the link to the video if you wanna watch it Friend.

Bless and be blessed Friend!

Paul Hutchings