Subject: Sales Funnel Review For My Friend Ray (and Friend too?) ;-)

Hey Friend,

A friend and subscriber named Ray, asked me a while back to review his sales funnel. (so sorry this took me so long to do Ray).

But the great news is... I FINALLY DID IT! YAY!

Here it is Ray.

Hope this is helpful in some way and if nothing else, I hope you feel my sincerity in how impressed I truly am with the work you did on this.

And for you Friend, this may have a few valuable tips you can use to enhance the sales funnel process for whatever it is that you might be selling right now.

All the best,


PS - If you haven't seen all the cool free gifts I have, you may want to peep this page here.

PPS - Also, I got a brand new Lightworkers Bible video up this morning. It's called The Divine Quest: Destiny's Sacred Mission and you can watch it here for 55 seconds of inspiration.