Subject: Private 14 Year Old Journal Entry Reveals The Truth About Home Business Entrepreneurship

Hey Friend,

I found an old journal entry that was made a few years after I started my first business from home.

It seems to contain a truth that, if you come to grips with, can help make the hard times, a little easier to bear – and maybe even help guide you to easier times ahead.

I made this little video to share it with you.

Stay strong, stay determined, stay positive.


PS: Yesterday, I was planning to take the day off for movies and sleep because I've been fighting off a cold.

I ended up working the whole day on our Freedom Fest event page, instead. 🤦‍♂️ (a crusaders gonna crusade right?) ;-)

Anyway, I finished up and noticed that a new Freedom Crusader had watched our video, filled out the form and gotten started while I wasn't working on helping her see the info and get started.

I messaged some friends about how excited I was and said, "Thank Goodness For Leverage And Automation!"

Seriously though Friend, isn't it amazing that now, in 2023 we can earn income without putting in time (residual) and we can even make SALES without being there in person with our 1 on one time?

Seriously blows my mind.

If you're not experiencing the power of this yet, and want to, maybe our training system and platform can help.

Thanks again for reading and for staying subscribed to my email list.

I sincerely appreciate the opportunity to do my best to shine light, love, freedom and goodness into your life every day.