Subject: Powerful Sales Tip [For Stable Residuals]

Hey Friend,

Last night when I got done visiting the in-laws, I stepped into our suburban and noticed I had a voice message from one of our top affiliates (and best friends in the world).

Her name is Amy, she had taken a minute to send me some of her thoughts on the sales video my partner Mike and I had made for this Free Trial AI promo, I've been ranting and raving about.

Anyway, she noticed something we did in that video that she thought was 'atypical' or different from most other sales videos she see's out there in the world, and she just loved it.

I put her audio into this short little 2 minute clip, because I do believe it does contain one of the most powerful, little-known, and often under utilized sales tip in the world.

(Especially of building a long term, stable residual income is your goal).

You can watch it here if you'd like to discover this secret that everyone talks about and almost no one applies in sales and marketing.

One of our 'Battle Cries' ever since we started our company has been Gahndi's "Be The Change".

What Amy noticed and highlighted in this audio clip is one of the changes we are striving to be and encourage in the world around us.

Much love Friend!

Paul Hutchings

PS - It’s a good thing to not spend too much time thinking about weeds, unless you plan to pull them out and plant some flowers in their place. 

PPS - Huge shout out and big fat Freedom Crusader High Five to,

Rina Ackerman,

Ryan Gunness,

Solomon Ubani,

Daniel Gutierrez,

Keith Scheafer,

Christopher Camp,

Mike Abbott, and

Owen Wilmot

...who all decided to watch this video and then click the red button to fill out the form and get started using our Emerson Magic Content Machine AND...

Get access to the exact tools and training that allowed me to become a top producer in every business I've promoted since 2009 and retire debt-free, young and happy and 40!

Thank you SOOOO Much guys for your trust. I KNOW that if you'll be serious students, and plug into our coaching masterminds for help and feedback, your life can be different in the best way possible from now to forevermore.

We still have 4 days left on on this INSANE promotion Friend, so if you're not in yet, and serious about building more freedom, goodness, success and impact in your life and in the world at large...

This is the video to watch to get all the nitty gritty Freedom-Licious deets before the clock hits zero here in just a few days and you miss out on this "never before offered" offer. :-)