Subject: New: Revolutionary Automation Technology...

Hey Friend,

Having been in the Home Business world for nearly 2 decades now, I'm no stranger to headlines screaming, 'automation' as the latest and greatest path residual income salvation.

That being said, I've grown increasingly skeptical and immune to these claims, especially when coming from marketers in the home business space.

That being said, I do have an open mind, and have been following the developments in actual artificial intelligience for quite some time.

So when one of the leading organizations (co-founded by Elon Musk) announced last week that they had achieved a breakthrough in their natural language processing technology, and that is was available for testing, I was all over it!

I quickly discovered that this was a moment in history, where the technology was catching up to the hype.

I set out on a qwest to discover how we could get this implemented in our company ASAP.

I found one company that was providing a chat software where you could have actual real life, artificiall intelligence software deployed on your behalf.

Using the exact same cutting edge technlogy that had just been announced the previous week.

In this new video, I take you behind the scenes and show you what this program looks like, how it works, and how we deployed it on behalf of all of the customers and affiliates in our company, so they can be even more free with their time.

And reguardless of whether this is something you can set up and use for a process you're currently running in your business...

I think this is a great video to watch because it can

  • give you an idea as to where the real technology is at today...

  • give you some ideas as to how you might be able to use it in the future...

And lastly...

Let you see how it can be used on your behalf, immediately if you decide to partner up with me here in our company.

This new AI assistant is available now, in each and every one of our products so as our customers are going through the training videos, they can ask any question they have, and get instant help from Sage, our new AI Assistant.

Imagine how this will affect the customer journey...

Additionally, Sage can, and does, invite our members to our live masterminds, helping them to get plugged in which can increase retention and success ratios.

Lastly, Sage can even help people know how to upgrade to the next product level that makes sense for them, and this makes it so everyone in our community can have one of the most advance AI assistants in the world, making sales on their behalf.

Pretty sweet right?

I think so. :-)

Ok that's it for now.

Thanks for reading Friend and whatever you do, always go for your dreams.
