Subject: [New Module] How To Create Your Own Affiliate Program

Hey Friend!

Hope you had a great weekend!

This may or may not be for you but wanted to send it your way just in case.

Since we started our own affiliate program just a few years ago, we've helped put 5.3 million dollars into people's bank accounts.

It's been very rewarding to build something that lots of people love and that so many people have been able to use to build an income with.

When we started the company, my partner Mike and I always envisioned, at some point, being able to give people a way to duplicate exactly what we built with our company.

I'm super excited to announce that this part of our vision is now in place!

We just added a new module into our Academy that shows exactly how to create your own affilite program, like the one we have.

Of course, you don't have to create your own affiliate program to make money online, but it's nice to know the option is there if it's something you want to do.

And even if it's not for you, as an affiliate of our products, you'll be able to give this ability to others who might want it, and it's just another point of value you can offer others while building a residual income for your family.

This module is one of 42 video modules inside our funnel builders academy that comes free with the purchase of our $25 per month funnel builder tool. These modules teach you how to use funnels from A-Z to build wealth online.

In case you didn't know, our affiliate program pays 80% residual commissions for every referral so if you love our builder, and the comprehensive training that comes with it, you can share it with others and earn $20 residual commissions for every customer referral.

If you'd like to learn more about this product, the training that comes with it (including this new module on creating your own affiliate program) or the very lucrative affiliate plan we have within our company, this is the perfect video to watch.

That's all for now Friend.

All the best,


PS: I spoke with someone today who was considering joining with our company and community.

I asked him to tell me a bit about himself and he said "I'm a casualty of the internet."

He went on to tell me about all the companies he'd joined over the years...

-Over 20 MLM companies...

-A Garage filled with products he had to buy but didn't use or sell

-Hotel meetings

-Free samples passed out that didn't result in sales

-Company buy in packages of $1,000 to $5,000

-People who promised the sky and didn't even deliver a handful of dirt

As he talked, and I listened, I kept thinking to myself that everything he was telling me were all the exact reasons we decided to start our company 7 years ago.

No more home business casualties!

We'd been through so much nonsense, everything listed above and more, that we got sick and tired of it all...

We said... "Can we create something that has everything we love with none of the things we hate about the home business profession?"

We made a list on a piece of paper and got to work.

And that's what led us to creating this.

No more home business casualties is definitely one of the goals.

Home business is supposed to help people, not hurt them.

I realize that when you get emails like this Friend, it's hard to know if you can trust them because everyone is selling something.

Great thing about what I'm telling you in this email, is you don't have to take my word for it.

You can investigate our business model yourself and see that it contains none of that stuff I mentioned above.

None of the bad, with all of the good.

That's how I think about what we've created here for ourselves and others

Anyway, it doesn't really matter that much to me if you believe what I'm telling you, or that you join or don't join.

I'm already free.

But it may matter quite alot to you and how your future unfolds.

I keep showing up to work because I know there are so many people out there who need this message, business model and community.

I'm here to help if you're serious.

Feel free to message me back with any questions you might have.