Subject: New Lifetime Record ACHIEVED! (top lessons & takeaways)

Holy Smokes Friend!


This morning I achieved a brand new lifetime record bench max. WAHOOO!    

I wanted to go live today and share the excitement with you and pass along a handful of takeaways that have really helped me in this goal-setting journey.

I think these takeaways are 100% transferrable to any goal you might be working on, even if you're not lifting weights. :-)

One of the tips I share is about how to maintain the highest possible feeling of success, even if you start to feel like you're failing along the way (which is very common for all of us).

Hope this video is inspiring and helpful!

Thanks for reading and whatever you do, always go for your dreams!


PS: One of the things that's great to do in your email calls to action, is celebrate people within your circle who are having success.

For example, this morning I went to our private members group and saw this...

If you can demonstrate that other people are winning, with whatever it is you're promoting, often times that can help build belief in the people you're serving that they can do it too.

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