Subject: Law Of Success #15 In 43 Seconds...

Happy Saturday Friend!

Trust all is well in your neck of the woods at the start of this fine weekend. :-)

I just posted a new 43 second video that explains Law Of Success #15... (Well, explains it as good as you can in under a minute, I suppose)

Here's the link to use if you wanna check it out.   

If you click play on the audio, you'll hear one of my new favorite songs.

I've been using a little app called 'Splice' to edit my videos & add copyright free music but I just realized the other day, that some platforms will allow you to use copyrighted music with your videos, which is kind of cool.

Facebook let me play a full 60 seconds of copyrighted music on my video... YouTube cut it off at much less time.

Anyway, that might be something to play with in your marketing if you haven't yet.


Paul Hutchings & Family

PS - I had a big realization yesterday.

For those who might want to work with me personally... I'm not looking for people who just want to make money.

I'm looking for people who want to change the world via the way they make money.

I'm not looking for people who want the easy path to riches.

I'm looking for people who are serious, excited and passionate about making their lives count...

Those who want ALL the riches life has to offer, including the money side of things...

And who are willing to work, learn, persist and grow for it...

I'm looking for people who want to build real long term relationships with people who are worth building real, long term relationships with.

I'm looking for people who understand that "the world is not changed by your opinion, but rather, your example" and who are dead serious about setting the best example possible for their families, communities and the world at large.

I'm not looking for people who need to be sold on the true gift, of what we've created in our business model.

I'm looking for people who see the vision, feel it in their hearts and are pulled to it from a higher plane.

That's who I'm looking to work with.

If you saw yourself in my words Friend, then, and only then, I'd love to invite you to take time this weekend, to watch this video, and doing whatever due diligence you need to do, to make a decision as to whether or not this is the gift for you, that can help you develop and deliver the gift of you, to the world.