Subject: [Last Day] + The ROCK SOLID TRUTH about results & Freedom...

Happy New Year's Eve Friend,

Just wanted to remind you that today is the last day to be locked into lifetime 50% referral commissions on the AMAZING app I've been emailing you about.

I've been talking to the creator about the benefits of leaving the referral rate at 50% forever because I love this app so much and $3 residuals on a $6 amazing product are pretty attractive, but I don't know what he'll decide. For now, all I know is he's planning on dropping the referral rate to 30% for everyone who joins after today so if you want to be sure and be locked into the lifetime 50% rate, now is the time to get this thing setup.

My friend Robin (who is one of the 29 people who got the app based on my recommendation) said something this morning that lit me up because it was filled with so much truth.

This is is the rock solid truth about success, sales, freedom, residuals - ANY result you might possibly want to create in your life.

Sometimes people don't want to hear the truth because it doesn't sound easy.

Why am I successful and get results doing what I do?

Because my routine for the last 10 plus years has included the following.

  • Reading most every single day.

  • Writing (emails, posts, etc) most every single day

  • Thousands of videos

  • Countless hours listening to podcasts and consuming products I purchased and traveling to events.

  • Connecting with countless numbers of people to see if I could be useful to them in some way

  • Settings goals and backing those goals with massive, consistent action over time and never ever letting any excuse, challenge, setback, fear, or criticism stop me.

  • Consistent affirmations, crafting them, thinking about them, writing them, re-writing them, recording them, waking up to them, going to sleep to them...

  • Hosted a daily conference call M - F for over 9 years without fail until I got some help and now I still host it every single Friday.

  • Weekly Monday Night Webinar for our inner circle members for the last 4 years...

  • And so much more...

Success in ANYTHING does NOT EVER, EVER, EVER come without doing the work.

If there is a magic pill, it's this...


And do the work daily, make it habit, make it a lifestyle.

And here's the crazy thing...

All of these things, people think are not easy.

But guess what Friend?

For me, they have become the easiest thing in the world because they are all embedded in my DNA and I do them automatically because they are who I am.

It wasn't always this way. These are all things I had to learn to do, and setting up new habits can be tough sometimes, BUT these are things that are WORTH doing and CAN become easy if you stick with them and get them embedded into your routine.

Anyway Friend, I think it's good sometimes to remind ourselves that no product will ever make us successful.

No mentor will ever make us successful.

No one thing, will ever make us successful.

Yes these things are an important part of our growth and development but at the end of the day the rock hard truth is this.

YOU are the secret to your success.

'Oh I know this already Friend.' (i can hear some people say)

Do you though?

What time did you wake up today?

What did you read today?

What have you put in your body today?

What did you do for your workout today?

What did you write today?

Did you look at your vision board or goals this morning?

Did you go through your affirmations this morning?

What will you do to build your business and shine your light today?

Have you done anything yet?

Or are you like all the people who weren't there in the gym when I showed up first thing this morning and realized I was the single solitary soul in the whole place?

Everyone else had taken a holiday.

There's nothing wrong with taking a break or a holiday and I'm not judging people here, I'm just making an observation.

I was there when no one else was.


Because it's in my blood and DNA now and just like Robin said,

- - > it's in my routine, the things I do EVERY FREAKING DAY < - THAT is where my results are born.

And like I said before Friend, there is no magic pill, or app that can do this for you.

You have to be willing to put in the time and put in the work.

Now if you are willing, there are things that can help, like this app my friend put together.

It organizes the things that are important and puts them in a system to help guide, remind and keep you on track.

This is why I'm recommending it, to the right people.

Anyway Friend, I'm off to enjoy the holiday with my family now that I've fulfilled my freedom crusading purpose on this planet, at least a little bit, for today.

I sincerely wish you all the best that life has to offer, if, you're willing to work for it.

And if you're not, I still wish you all the best that life has to offer, I just know it won't be as great as what it offers those who are.


PS - You can catch my recent videos about this app, along with the important habits, actions and principles it helps with on my YouTube Channel here.. (the last 2 videos specifically) < - I completely forgot to mention the goal setting function of this app which is extraordinary!

PPS - Michael Peart in Australia picked up the app (YAY and thank you) and emailed me to ask if I had a list of affirmations I'd be willing to share. As a matter of fact I do and it's much more than a simple list, I call it THE MASTER AFFIRMATION archive. 4 pages of pure belief POWER around prosperity, character and infinite self empowerment.

I'll happily share this list as a bonus for Michael and anyone else who picks up this app and sends me an email by the end of today.

Make it a great day Friend!