Subject: Keys To Freedom

Happy Freedom Friday Friend!

Just wanted to let you know that I believe in you.

We can make the world a better place.

We can learn, we can grow, we can do different things and we can create better results for ourselves and the people around us.

As long as, we decide, to continue showing up each and every day, for as long as it takes, we'll be inspired with better ideas to move forward and serve people in better ways.

But the key is... commitment - to shining our light for as long as it takes.

Not for a day. Not for a week. Not for a month. Not for a year.

For as long as it takes.

And when you really tune in, to the song in your heart. The divine voice that whispers to your spirit that you're here for a purpose, and you're supposed to do something with your life, and make a difference, and serve, and inspire and lift...

And whatever else your divine voice is telling you...

You'll be on fire (or even more on fire than you are now) and have all the help you need to achieve your mission and purpose in life.

This mastermind is an example.  11 years, each and every day, still going strong.

It's a gift.

Nothing to buy.

A gift to me, and a gift to you.

To help us remember, each day - that we truly do - have power inside.

If you decide to take the time to listen, I hope it touches your heart in a way that helps you feel that you are loved, and believed in, and important.

That's it for now. Have a great weekend and thank you for being an awesome subscriber on my list, and giving me the opportunity to do my best to serve you.

Like I told one of my best friends and business partners earlier today.

I won't always be perfect in doing the right thing, or in serving you in the right way..

But that's definitely my goal.


Paul Hutchings

PS - Ya'll better get out there and help somebody! :-)