Subject: In the beginning were...

Hey Friend!

Couple quick thoughts for you today.

First, I was noticing this morning after finishing my stretching in preperation for my workout that...


I made myself begin, and sure enough after just a couple reps.. I magically began to feel like wanting to continue...

It was then that I realized...

"The more you do it, the more you feel like doing it."

Have you noticed this yourself Friend?

I think this is true for MANY things in life..

Waking up early, exercise, doing videos, sending emails, heck, even prospecting!

Sometimes it just takes a little push of the rock on the top of the mountain and next thing you know you're flying down the hill.

Even science verifies this strange phenomenon with the phrase.. "An object in motion tends to stay in motion while an object at rest, tends to stay at rest."

I know this is a probably a reminder for you Friend, but maybe it can be a moment to help move you forward in some important area of life. (that's the hope anyway.) :-)

The next thought, or set of them, is contained in today's brand new super dooper special video. :-) (seriously though...)

I heard a poem today that struck me because as I thought about it, I realized that this was the first poem I'd ever memorized.

This poem felt like a beautiful flower of truth when I read it for the first time.

I planted the seeds of this flower deep in my heart, and it grew into a patch of sunflowers in the garden of my philosophy, that eventually led me to a place of prosperity in my life.

This is why I wanted to share this poem with you, in today's video, and dissect what it means to me, a bit.

All in the hopes that this can help to shine a bright light in your life and on your journey forward too.

Thanks for reading Friend.

Hope you're day is amazing!

To Freedom - and beyond,

Paul Hutchings

PS: If you haven't yet seen the new Doorway To Freedom Presentation I made, you can watch the replay here.

We're getting a lot of great feedback on this presentation.

Here's one example of what my boy Gio had to say...

Oh, and GREAT news Friend, it's NOT 2 hours.

My business partner Mike edited out all the dead space and extra fluff so now, it's shorter and flows nice and fast so you can get through it quickly if you want to watch it.

My guess is, if you really tune in and pay attention, the time will fly and you won't believe how fast it felt because of the value it's adding to your excitement and vision for the future.