Subject: "I'm Afraid...."

Hey Friend,

Happy day my friend. In yesterday's email, I told you a little about my friend Booker.

The PS line in that email was cracking me up so hard, I snap-shotted it and sent it to my friend Booker.

He sent me a reply that really touched me, and pulled hard on my heart-strings.

It made me remember, why we're fighting so hard to help people be free... Wanted to send your way...

Mom with 2 kids, after 10 years at a job, afraid to ask for a raise, and scared that the job is going to disappear at any moment.

This reminds me of a famous quote from a book that says...

"A world in which this can be, should not be."

Or something like that.. .

This is why we started our company, and this is why so many of us in the home business profession work hard to stay in the game, and help people as much as possible.

So they can be free..

Free from fear...

Free from worry....

Free to live their best lives, just like my friend Booker told this clerk, she deserved to do.

Hope this inspired you, like it inspired me.

Thanks for reading and whatever you do, always go for your dreams Friend.

All the best,


PS: Check out this post from Belinda...

Belinda trained us this last Monday night on EXACTLY what she's doing Friend, so if you decide to fill out this form and get started today, you can watch the replay of Belinda's training.

You can apply what she taught to get more traffic, leads and sales for ANY business you're promoting OR you can apply her teachings to promote our products and earn 80% Heart-Centered Residual commissions with me.

The choice is yours. :-)