Subject: I goofed...

Happy Saturday Friend! I realized I gave you the wrong dial in code for the mastermind replay I sent you yesterday. Sorry about that. The correct code is 565762#. Dial in number 712-432-0990. That replay will be up till Monday morning the 15th.

By the way, I just revamped our Grow Rich Mastermind website so people can use it to get more leads, grow residual income and even have a way to use the done for you content we're creating there to serve your email list and make sales into whatever else you're promoting.

If you opt in to this page here, you'll see a video of me explaining the whole thing - along with free access to our Mastermind Collection.

I'm super excited about this because a lot of times, there are a few things people tend to struggle with when using the internet to get leads and sales.

Credibility, consistent Content and a sense of being all by yourself.

This new process makes it so, the follow up content can be done for you, or created with you - and that makes sending good content to your list much easier. You can leverage my story & results as well as that of my team to jump past the credibility issue which can help a lot.

Anyway Friend, You can see the whole process here, if you're curious. I'm obsessed with figuring out new ways to help people be free and this just one example of one of my latest ideas to do this.

That's it for now Friend, Hope you enjoy your weekend!


PS - One of my team members Todd, has already been using this new strategy and he's already gotten 2 emails back from his subscriber list, thanking him for his emails. This is proof positive that our new idea is working.

To freedom and beyond!...

------ Email from yesterday --------------------------------

'Just as a gardener cultivates his plot, keeping it free from weeds, and growing the flowers and fruits which he requires, so may a man tend the garden of his mind, weeding out all the wrong, useless, and impure thoughts, and cultivating toward perfection the flowers and fruits of right, useful, and pure thoughts.' ~James Allen

Happy Freedom Friday Friend!

We just finished up a power packed mastermind with lots of great ideas for becoming and attracting life's great riches in better ways.

And while I wouldn't necessarily call myself a master gardener just yet,

...I would say I am, and have been, a gardener: and the flowers I've seen blossom into my life and bank account, have created an obsession in my soul...

For getting these ideas out into the hearts and minds of others so we can all grow a much better crop, together.

If you already have all the money, freedom, joy and great relationships you can handle, this replay and community, may not be for you.

But if there's something inside you telling you there's more for you to be and do and have and give...

Something what whispers... 'I'm open to more good seeds - there are more flowers to cultivate in my garden' - then this audio replay may be just what the infinite doctor ordered. :-)

Let me leave you with one more thought from the mastermind...

Thought and character are one, and as character can only manifest and discover itself through environment and circumstance, the outer conditions of a person's life will always be found to be related to his inner state.

The great beauty of this truth is this,

If we don't love where we're at in life currently, we have the full power to change it.

What we do together here, can help.

712-432-0990 Access 565732#.

May Peace, Freedom, Love, Joy and goodness shower your path in abundance.
