Subject: I SHOCKED Them When I Said This...

Happy Freedom Friday Friend,

Last week I said something to a group of people that may have shocked them a little.

On our daily morning mastermind, one of my best friends who I affectionately call 'Booker, The Freedom Cooker', likes to call me Paul Wall.

Paul Wall is apparently a famous white rapper with big old glittering jewels on his teeth called "Grillz".

Booker likes to say, in jest to me, "Paul, we gotta get them grills!"

I guess this was percolating in my brain because last week at our school board meeting, our finance guy had just finished giving his monthly report.

The room was silent as everyone turned to me for the next steps as I'm the Board Chair...

I thanked him and said... "I have one request.

Since you are our 'Master Of Coin', do you think you could wear some thick gold chains around your neck and sport some diamond grills across your teeth at our next board meeting so you can better represent?'

'No, Paul - you DIDN'T say that in a board meeting!?'

Yes, I most certainly did.

ha ha ha... And If I was the only one laughing, it was still worth it.

What the heck does this have to do with business, you might be wondering?

Great question...

One time I was on a Tesla Earnings call, that was filled with bankers and executives and the general public.

I looked up at the screen and noticed that when the company Leadership team was speaking, they had their names and titles below them.

This is pretty normal, but what's NOT normal is I noticed that Elon Musk had the title of "Techno-King" and his CFO had the title "Master Of Coin."

I laughed out loud because it was funny... and as I laughed I realized it was making me like them even more.

If we can learn to keep things light and fun in business, especially home business, it's likely we'll attract more people to us.

I mean the stuffy 'suit and tie' types are what we all wanted to run from in the first place right?

What a tragedy it would be to become, what we are running away from.

Anyway Friend, If you want to catch the replay of our Freedom Crusaders Grow Rich Mastermind from this morning you can tune in by clicking this link here or by dialing 712-432-0990 Access 565762#.

It's called Footprints On The Sands Of Time and my guess is, if you decide to listen, you'll pick something up that can inspire you, teach you or maybe even make you laugh.

All the best,

Paul Hutchings

Chief Stand Up Comedian Of Freedom Crusaders Worldwide, Inc.