Subject: How To Weaken Ego & Strengthen Your True Self

Hey Friend!

Hope you had a great weekend!

Sorry I haven't emailed you in a few days. I was actually wondering if anyone would notice and guess what, THEY DID!

I got a very nice email from Linda Thomas asking me where I was and wanting to be sure she hadn't accidentally gotten unsubscribed from my email list.

I was so thankful to recieve that email because it helped me to feel like I was missed and that maybe my daily emails are valuable to people. Thank you Linda!

Also, I got another email from a friend across the ocean who told me,

"You may not realize this Paul, if it weren't for you and your constant emails and videos, I don't think I would have the belief and courage to start all over again! I always seem to find comfort and belief when I watch your videos which always seem to pop up when I really need to hear them (God works in mysterious ways)."

Indeed, God does work in 'mysterious ways his wonders to perform.'

These notes truly lifted my soul and I'm so thankful for them.

So why did I take a break from my daily emails at the end of last week?

Well, the truth is, I don't really have a good excuse.

Sometimes there are so many things to do, that I have to prioritize what gets done and what gets left out.

Last week, we made a bunch of updates and enhancements to HBA, so part of what needed done was some communication to members letting them know of all the exciting updates.

But also, I've been working abnormally long hours in creation mode for all these updates and the truth is, I got tired and needed a break.

There was one day last week where I went out into our Rec room, all by myself, and just watched about 4 hours of TV.

It was good for me to unplug myself and have some solitude to re-charge a bit.

Anyway, those are my reasons - (not excuses) but reasons. :-)

Anywho, I'm back and I hope you missed me a little bit like my other friends did.

Ok, stopping with the rambling and moving on to the real point of today's email.

This morning, I got an email from a friend and business partner asking me if I had any tips for weakening the ego and unleashing more of the true self.

This video contains my best answer.  

There were some great comments and insight from fellow freedom crusaders who attended live and added to the discussion.

I'm so thankful my friend asked me this question because I think it's a VERY important topic for not just success, but for also developing more peace, confidence and over all happiness in life.

To be fully self expressed, in your highest and best way Friend, seems to be one of the great keys to a life filled with all the 'good stuff'.

And it's much more important, IMO, than 'leaving a legacy' or having a building dedicated to you after you leave this planet.

So Friend, if you find yourself in a space where you...

  • Are not getting the results you want...

  • Find yourself talking more than listening in a conversation...

  • Feel like you have to prove your worth to others by continually highlighting all of your achievements and/or positive attributes

  • Feel like you are 'less than' or not as good as others based on things like success level, wealth level or any other external metric...

  • Feel like there is more inside of you to give, but feeling frustrated because for some reason, you're not able to just let it out and be who you want to be in your marketing..

Then, this could be a video that just might be very well worth your time to watch.   

As always Friend, wishing you and yours all the best this day,

Paul Hutchings