Subject: How To Transmute Light Into Fortune (& Create The BEST Content)

Hey Friend,

Honestly, I didn't feel like writing this email today.

I'm dealing with something that feels heavy on my heart, mind and soul.

Nothing life threatening, so I suppose in the end, nothing too big to worry about.

That being said, sometimes the relationships we have, with people we love, can cause some major heart ache from time to time.

I've dealt with this type of thing before in business and also with family.

It appears that another one of those little storms has popped up for me again.

I know it will all be ok and that the sun will shine again after this storm has passed, as it always does.

So, I mustered up the energy to write you this email today, and send you the gold, I believe, is contained in inside.

Funny enough, the Grow Rich Mastermind this morning was partly about, the storms of life and how to shine through them.

I hadn't planned on talking about that, and I hadn't even planned on hosting.

Thursday's are normally hosted by my friend Bill who is a very successful life-long real estate developer.

So there I was, running on the treadmill, jotting down some notes for my good parts episode...

I dialed into the call and surprisingly realized that Bill wasn't there.

When it became apparent that I was going to be hosting the call - I thought to myself...

"No worries, I've got these notes I jotted down that I think are valuable, I'll just share them as my message today."

But when I started talking, I discovered that there was another message inside of me that wanted to come out.

It had nothing to do with the notes I'd prepared and it ended up surprising me a bit.

Some of the people on the call thought it was divine intervention and that it must have been meant to be.

This idea was re-inforced when Bill announced that he'd lost his phone and later discovered it on a table that he never puts his phone.

Divine intervention or not, it does seem curious to me that here I am, dealing with - what feels like - a fairly big storm, and the message bursting from my heart, on a day I wasn't supposed to speak - turned out to be the exact message I needed for myself.

Thankfully, others seemed to appreciate it as well.

I guess I shouldn't be surprised.

Over my nearly 2 decades of experience working from home and marketing online - it does seem that the message I need to hear often turns out to be the message others need as well.

You can listen to the replay here if you like.

It's called The Answer To The Storm, and it would be especially good to listen to, if you've got a storm currently raging in your life too.

You can also catch the replay by dialing 712-432-0990 Access 565762#.

And even if the sun is shining brightly on every aspect & area of your life today Friend, which I truly hope it is...

This call is filled with valuable nuggets and insights I've picked up on my journey to freedom.

I hope it blesses you today like it's blessing me.

With love and determination to stand through all the storms of life and business,

Paul Hutchings

PS: If you're curious about the message I had jotted down on my notepad before the call.

Well that was all an answer to a question I recieved from Ashley Casper.

She wrote me a very nice email yesterday and asked me...

What is it that contributes to developing a “lense” to “locate” the lessons in our daily life… even in the seemingly mundane daily life moments?   

She's referring to a practice I have of transmuting the light of my life into fortune by gathering up the special moments and turning them into valuable content.

Today's Good Parts Episode was dedicated to answering Ashley's question, in the best way I know how.

It's a good one to watch if you're wondering how I'm able to create a seemingly never-ending stream of content that turns into gold, and how you might be able to do the exact same thing.

PPS: 'The Sun'll come out, tomorrow...' -Little Orphan Annie