Subject: How To Live A Virtuous Life

Hey Friend,

Hope your day is going GREAT! After all, it is Friday. :-)

I wanted to send you something today that has the potential to have a very deep impact on your life, sense of purpose, happiness and yes, of course, business too.

A few nights ago, I was feeling a bit lost, as we all probably sometimes do, on this road of life.

I went outside my house, beneath the Idaho stars, and began to walk up and down my driveway, praying out loud for guidance and direction.

Long story short, a few days later, I found myself reading a book (Or listening to it on Audible rather) and I found some information, that seemed to me to be, an answer to my prayers.

It was a book, written a couple hundred years ago, by a famous man you may have heard of named Benjamin Franklin.

The man's face is on the $100 bill, he was a contributor and signer of the declaration of independence and the US Constitution, he invented the first library and on and on and on.

But the most inspiring part about this man for me, is not his achievements, but rather the Philosophy that seemed to lead to his achievements.

Mr. Franklin wanted to live a virtuous life.

And he was ambitious enough to go for it.

Anyway, some of what he did, and thought inspired the heck out of me so I shared the highlights on this morning's mastermind call.

You can catch the replay here or by dialing 712-432-0990 Access 565762# (This will be up until Monday morning @ 9 AM EST)

Truth is Friend, It seems we all need inspiration and a good moral compass to guide us forward in the very best way.

I'm hoping some of these ideas can help offer some of that to you, as they've done for me.

"There's more than money in the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow." -Napoleon Hill

All the best,


PS - These free videos show how I became the #1 producer and earner in my network marketing company using the internet.

PPS - If you're up for working with me personally on something very special, profitable and rewarding - this is the video to watch.