Subject: How To Keep The FIRE & Stay Consistent Long Term

Hey Friend!

Last week a good friend of mine asked me the following question on one of my YouTube videos...

"Paul, without drinking 20 cups of coffee within 10 minutes, how do we replicate your enthusiasm & stay consistent?"

To which I replied, 'Well sir, unfortunately, I DO drink 20 cups of coffee within 10 minutes, and that is my secret."

ha ha.. Juuuuuuuuust kidding!

It did get me thinking though...

I've done thousands of conference calls.

Sent thousands of emails...

I started a brand new YouTube Series called "The Good Parts" and just finished episode 78."

This has gone on daily, monday through friday, for just under 2 DECADES.

How the heck DO I do this?

As I reflected a bit, I think i came up with the best, and most accurate answer to this question.

These 4 keys, fuel me - and help me to be, who I want to be, and who others might need me to be, for very long periods of time.

They help me to stay mostly excited, pumped up and passionate for life, people and business, every day of the week.

My hope is, that if you watch this video, these principles and ideas can do the same for you.

 To Freedom - and beyond,

Paul Hutchings