Subject: How To Avoid The Prospect Face Palm

Hey Friend,

This morning on our Secrets Of The Rich And Free mastermind, Booker (My freedom brotha from anotha mutha) mentioned that a prospect told him yesterday that she didn't want to build a business from home because she was not interested in experiencing rejection.

Those words hit me in a strange way because I NEVER experience rejection or people telling me no. I have a successful, fun, profitable, and rewarding business from home and I do it rejection free and have done so for years.

SOOO, I figured I'd make this quick video on the 3 simple steps I follow to eliminate rejection and joyfully move along my freedom path.

If that's something that interest you, please feel free to give it a watch here - >

As my other brother from another mother Rob, likes to say..

Bless and be blessed,
