Subject: How The Sin Of Laban KILLS Residual Income....

Hey Friend,

The other morning I was reading a little from the good book... (aka - The Bible)...

And read something interesting...

When it comes to the Bible, I'm definitely an amateur, but I love finding wisdom wherever I can, and I recently heard someone I respect say that, in once sense, you could say that all the books in western civilization that have been written, have the Bible as their base.

I also read in 'How To Read A Book' by Mortimer Adler, that The Bible has been, and still is, considered to be, one of the classics.

Anyway, on to the story...

Basically there's this guy named Jacob who wants to marry this pretty girl named Rachel.

Back in those days, you needed the permission of the father (some people still follow this custom today) and so Jacob asks Rachel's father for her hand in marriage.

Laban (her father) says, 'sure thing dude, just work for me for 7 years and your wish shall be granted.'

**That's from the Paul Hutchings Bible Translation btw... ;-)

Jacob goes to work, finishes his time and low and behold, Laban tricks him by granting Jacob his other daughter Leah, instead.

How this could happen, I don't know... seems a bit strange to me how Jacob could not be aware of which girl he was with, but that's the story...

It goes on to talk about how Laban then made another deal with Jacob, and then another, and went back on his word...

So here's the point...

Jacob says... to Rachel...

'...with all my power I have served your father. And your father hath deceived me, and changed my wages ten times; but God suffered him not to hurt me."

When I read this I was blown away to realize that so many of the companies I built with in the past, committed the sin of Laban, didn't even know it, destroyed everyone's residuals - and this was a lesson they could have learned and avoided, from a book that was written 3,000 years go!

One company I was with, changed the comp plan and slashed the residual payout rate by 2/3rds and dropped my income down to almost nothing.

Ironically, this company had initials for it's name,

...which stood for Guided By God. 🤦‍♂️

(Seriously, you can't even make this stuff up)


Another company implemented sales quotas, which meant that in order for me to keep my residuals, I would have had to sponsor 4 new customers every month.

Does that sound like residual to you Friend?

(me neither)

I could go on and on, but the bottom line is this...

Like Jacob, I also realized that 'God suffered them not to hurt me' even though they were doing me wrong.

I took the lessons and the experiences and rolled them into a company I helped to co-found with the firm commitment to NEVER change our affiliates wages, even once - let alone 10 times.

And whether you decide to learn more about what we started here, or join me here, (if you haven't done so already) please take this lesson with you Friend....

If you're gonna build a residual income... you better make danged sure, you're building with people who are absolutely committed to going the distance AND to never stealing the fruits of your labors, by 'changing the wages'.

This is one of the biggest lesson's that's hardly never taught to people in the home business space.

Thanks for reading and I hope you make it a great day!


PS - In our company you can earn 80% residuals from your product sales. This makes it so it's possible to be paid what would normally be over 2 years of residual income, in some companies, in just 1 month with us.

And then get another 2 years of residuals the next month, and the next, for as long as your customers stays active.

Here's a simple picture that explains it all...

How much is your time & effort worth to you Friend?

With us, you can build a $3,000 residual income by gathering just 25 customers. I dare you to find another company where that's possible, that's not a ponzi shcheme of course. :-)

You can click here and fill out the form, if you're ready to get started right now.