Subject: Holy SMOKES, we just crossed $171,000 per month 🤯

Slap me silly and call me Gina, Friend!

Our company just crossed $171,000 in monthly recurring revenue! 

I literally just took this snapshot a few seconds ago.


I just wanted to keep you in the loop, because if you love the idea of residual income, and disconnecting your time from your money, what we're doing seems to be working GANGBUSTERS.

If you haven't already, please review it all here on this page.

If you have any questions after you watch the video, I made this page here that will help a TON with diving deeper and getting all your questions answered.

(You'll even get that done for you Q & A Page above to help you close sales should you decide to join us)

Even if you don't decide to join me and 'us' in this freedom revolution Friend, I have a new podcast episode coming out soon called "The Preacher's Guide To A Lifetime Of Freedom" that contains a little known secret to more successfully building freedom in whatever it is you're doing.

(if that sounds like something that might float your boat, keep an eye out for my upcoming emails)

One of the things I love about what we're doing with this business Friend, is marketing something that can be incredibly useful to anyone, in ANY business.

People don't have to 'switch businesses' to get value and profit from our model.

You can be building something else, and still have success building this.

This means our model has a MASSIVE market because it's not just 'another business opportunity'.

That being said, it also doubles as a CRAZY amazing primary business that I believe, can help people build residual income faster than anything on the planet - so it's SOOOPER attractive from that angle too.

Don't believe me Friend?

Check this out...

Just show me another business you can build that will allow you to earn those residual amounts with equal or less customers.

(Without selling massively overpriced products that offer less value than the money of course)

And if there is one,

  • Have they changed the comp plan in the past or will they in the future?

  • Are they committed to being in business until death or beyond?

  • Do they follow the golden rule and treat you the way you deserve to be treated?

  • Do they donate a portion of all the earnings to help feed starving kids?

  • Do they have a community of love filled, light filled, helpful, abundant, positive minded people who do nothing but lift others up while never tearing anyone down?

  • Do they have a culture that doesn't make anyone feel less than other customers or reps in the company?

Maybe there is one, I just haven't seen it.

We built this thing after YEARS and YEARS and YEARS of experiencing the good, bad and ugly inside the home business profession - and just decided one day...

"Hey, why not just build something beautiful instead?"

Anyway Friend, sorry I got off on a rant but I'll tell you what, there's nothing I love more in the world (business - wise) than what we're doing inside The HBA.

The people, the values, the training, the community, the charity, the service, the love, the light, the lift... It's unmatched!

One of our members Nick said he felt like he was high from it all. :-)

Oh, and YES, we do have people making money and a ton of it.

We have affiliates earning over $3,000, $5,000, 10,000 per month and BEYOND.

So Friend, If you're serious about building something that lasts... that you can be proud of... and has the potential to FREE your life...

👉 from the very depths of my heart and my soul, I want to invite you to click this link and review everything on this page.

Then watch all the videos here on this Q & A page, put together by yours truly...

And if you LOVE what you find Friend, like so many others... fill out this form and get started ASAP.   

You'll be joining directly with me and I'll send you a welcome email with my special bonuses - Affectionately dubbed,

Drumroll please...

The Ultimate Freedom Vault.

I'll also get you a link to my personal schedule so we can pop on a 1 on 1 zoom or call next week to game plan your FREEDOM! (limited spots available for this part)

Thanks for reading and whatever you do, ALWAYS go for your dreams.


PS - Feel free to shoot me an email back with any questions you have.

PPS - 'Life is a checkerboard, the player opposite you is time. If you hesitate before moving, your players will be wiped off the board, by time."

PPPS - 'Cherish your dreams and your visions as they are the children of your soul, the blueprints of your ultimate reality.'

PPPPS - If you're already in HBA and wondering why you're getting emails inviting you to join, it's because you're on my email list silly... :-)

Definitely do NOT join again. Read my emails, learn from them, get inspiration from them... see how I do what I do... and if it's not valuable to you... feel free to unsubscribe down below.

And hopefully, if you are in HBA, you can see from my emails how AMAZING what you already have in your hot little hands really is (if you don't already, of course).

As my friend Rob always says, 'bless and be blessed Friend.'

Ok, this email is finally over. You can do a little happy dance.

Thanks for reading though Friend. Seriously, I really do appreciate you.

FTC Disclaimer: “Average affiliates can expect to earn $347 with this business.” For full earnings disclosure visit To earn much higher income amounts, work, skill, and commitment are required.  This business has paid over 2 million dollars in affiliate commissions so far... You should also expect that if you buy a product from me, I will be paid.