Subject: Holy SMOKES! We just crossed 2 million in commissions paid... I'm so excited!

Happy Freedom Friday Friend!

I'm so happy, thankful and excited to report that we just crossed the 2 million in commissions paid to affiliates mark!

Check it out..

I helped to start this company because after a long road of trial and error I had been able to build freedom for my family, and I had a deep desire in my heart to help others get there too.

'What I want for myself, I want for others.' -Jones of Toledo

My business partner, Mike and I, wondered if there were a way we could help people build residual income faster, and do it in a way where we could all be super proud of what we were doing (instead of a little embarrassed).

It turns out there were lots of others out there who felt the same as we did, and because of their hearts, talent, knowledge and contributions, we have been able to build something that's WORKING!

I was telling a good friend of mine the other day, that part of the reason I think this is working is because so many people feel like what we do is a breath of fresh air.

So many of us want residual income along with the ability to work wherever and whenever we want... (or to not work at all).

This is obvious to most people.

What's not so obvious is that we also want to do something with our lives and our work that matters too.

Something where we, and people, and the world at large, are all better for our businesses having passed this way.

These magical ingredients, all mixed together - I believe, is at least part of the reason we've been able to get where we're at.

The other day, one of our new members asked this question...

This is what I wrote in response...

Here's the SUPER INTERESTING Part of the story...

Do you believe in 'universe winks' Friend?

I do. It's basically just some interesting co-incidence where 2 things happen together in mystical sort of way.

Einstein once said, 'Coincidence is God's way of remaining anonymous.'  

In any case, look at the post made by Alika (the new member who was asking what it means to be principle-centered) just one day after his initial question.

Stuff like this makes me so proud to be a part of what we're building.

Universe wink for the win! :-)

Anyway Friend, I just wanted to celebrate this new milestone with you and pass along some thoughts on what I believe is helping us to have success.

My sincere belief is - > Striving to do the right thing is, in fact, the most profitable way to build a business - despite what anyone else may say or think about it.

Keep striving for that in your life and business Friend, and you can't help but win over the long run.

Thanks so much for reading and being a subscriber to my email list. I really appreciate you and truly do wish you all the best that life and business have to offer, regardless of whether you join me in anything I'm doing.

Don't get me wrong Friend, I would be THRILLED if you decided to partner up with me and us on our crusade, and I DO believe it can help you build residual faster than anything else on planet earth.

Of course I'm biased, but for DANG good reasons. Check out the link above and do some serious due diligence and I a have a feeling you'll see why.

All the best,


PS - We had a pretty awesome Grow Rich mastermind this morning, and I was fortunate to be able to host and share my story along with some of my best tips for building a life of freedom.

If you decide to listen, you can pick up my FAVORITE money making line for attracting new customers,

  • Be inspired

  • Be lifted

  • Be motivated

AND even hear a crazy story about how I went over $40,000 in debt one time, to become a glorified butler. (100% TRUE)

You can hear it all by dialing 712-432-0990 Access: 565762# Or by clicking here to catch the digital gold version.