Subject: Holy SMOKES Batman! 32 Push Button Leads (here's how)

Happy Magic Monday Friend,

Last week I generated 32 opt in leads of people who were eager to look at my business with a simple push button strategy.

Not only did I get 32 new leads, but imagine my surprise when 4 of them saw the video and decided to get started immediately without even talking to me or asking any questions.

I was SOOOOO excited. Who doesn't love push button leads and automatic enrollments, right?

Anyway Friend,

I made this video to show you exactly how I did it.

I also share a little 'hack' for helping new team members get started and into action quickly, along with an answer to a question I got this week about how to keep customers & team members around for the long haul so you can have much more stable and long term residual income.

Hope you find it valuable for your business.

Talk soon,


PS -  Be sure to seek council and ignore criticism and opinions as you continue to build your business and create your dream life.