Subject: Hidden Lesson From History's Forgotten Hero

Hey Friend,

This last Sunday I was out at my in-laws and my brother in law asked me if I'd ever heard of a young boy who stood up agains the Nazi regime, and lost his life by execution at the age of 17?

II hadn't, so I began to do a bit of research online.

I quickly discovered that what my brother in law had told me, was indeed accurate and that this story was far more inspirational than I could have imagined.

Turns out that this forgotten hero of history was the youngest boy to be executed for treason by the Nazi party.

His name was Helmuth Hübener and his example of courage is breathtaking to me.

Here's a picture.

As I learned more about his story and talked with my sons about it, I could hardly believe I didn't know about it already.

I began to feel that this boy was indeed, one of History's Forgotten Heroes.

It's my belief that people like this, should not be forgotten.

Today's Good Parts episode is dedicated to telling the story of this young mans courage and sharing the hidden lesson I picked up from talking about it with my son Camden.

Hope this can add a bit of education to your day and serve to inspire even more courage in your daily life and business, as it's done for me.

All the best,


PS: This is the funnel tool I recommend for web pages and sales funnels.

PPS:  This is my favorite home based business.

Feel free to email me with any questions you have.