Subject: "Giddy Up Sparkle Farts!..."

Hey Friend,

So I'm just about to head out to the gym to get my 3 mile run in... but I wanted to send you an email because I guess that's what you're supposed to do with an email list. :-)

Ha ha.. Seriously though...

A few goodies for you in today's email.

First, some morning time humor from my friend Ashley.

ha ha ha. That made me laugh. Hey, I've got 4 boys so (for good or bad) this kind of humor tends to be right up our alley. 🤷

Second, today's good parts episode where I a had a BIG DAD WIN! My 17 year old son, accidentally picked up a wealth building lesson that I've been trying to teach him all his life.

Yes, it would have been easier had he just listened to me instead of having to learn it the hard way, but I'm still happy he's learning it at 17 - instead of in his mid to late 20's like I was when I finally learned it.

More on that here...

Third, I hosted the Grow Rich Mastermind this morning and there were a ton of goodies.

One of the main pieces of the call ended up being some thoughts on "Passive Income" vs. "Residual Income" - along with dispelling some myths and illusions about it all that I've picked up over the last 2 decades of my business career.

You can listen to the whole thing here or by dialing 712-432-0990 Access: 565762# if you want to check it out right from the comfort of your home. :-)

Another cool, part of the mastermind today, was when my friend Gregory, highlighted that one of the story's told on today's call, was about the same son I wrote about here on the miracle story on this page.

It brought tears to my eyes, to think about how far both my son and I have come since then.

While I was looking at that page (thanks to Gregory) I noticed at the bottom it said that the digital wealth machine we'd created had paid out "Just under 1.6 million dollars" in commissions.


It's now up to over 4.6 million paid.

So, I was able to get that updated. I mean we do like to under promise and over deliver but a 3 million dollar discrepency on that, seemed a bit ridiculous. :-)

And that brings me to the last little goodie in today's email.

Tomorrow morning, my business partner (Who's built more than 2 million dollar income home businesses) will be live, sharing some tips and giving an 'insider sneak peek' into our digital wealth dream machine business.

If you've seen this page and video, thought it was cool but...

  • Had questions

  • Weren't sure it was something you could really trust

  • or - just wanted to learn more....

Then, tomorrow's live mastermind will be perfect for you to attend.

I'll be there too, along with a good number of our community members - so please feel free to come and ask any question you want.

We're always there to help and even if you don't end up getting started with me or us, in this business - I know we still have information that can likely help you succeed faster and suffer less - on your road to freedom through the home business profession.

I guess that's all for now!

Hope this email has brought something good into your world today.

All the best,


PS: I forgot to send you yesterday's good parts episode so I may as well add that here to the PS line, right? ;-)

Yesterday's episode was for parents specifically, and shared a lesson and a practice that might be super transformational for kids and even the whole family.

You can learn all about it here.

PPS: "Cherish your dreams and your visions as they are the children of your soul, the blueprints of your ultimate reality." -Napoleon Hill

See ya later sparkle fart... er, uhm... I mean Friend. :-)