Subject: Forget the money, guard your time Friend...

Happy Freedom Friday Friend,

Any fun plans for the weekend? My kids and I are still working on the building we bought, fixing it up so we'll be able to use it soon.

The workout room is coming along, and check this out... I learned about horse stall mats for gym flooring on youtube which is saving us around $1,000.

Here's how it's looking so far...

Not too shabby right?

I'm super excited to get this room done because it's going to save me 30 to 60 minutes per day in travel time.

And that's the point of this email actually... time...

In today's good parts episode, I investigate the question...

I think the ideas I share in this video, can be super helpful, in learning to protect your time so that it's invested into your better future, as efficiently as possible.

And even if you don't decide to watch today's video Friend, here's a quick thought that may be challenging to think about, but still worth thinking about nonetheless..

"Strive to be valuable, not available."

If I was to re-write that quote based on my experience and perspective, I'd have it say...

Be valuable and available to the people who can help you achieve your goals and then, still be valuable - but adjust who you're available to based on criteria designed to continue to further your mission in the highest and best way.

;-) This video explains more.

All the best,


PS - I also hosted the Grow Rich Mastermind this morning. It's called Invisible Wing Power. You can hear the replay here online or by dialing 712-432-0990 Access 565762#. This will be up all weekend.

PPS : Funnels, marketing, coaching, big residuals OH MY, - all that and more here with The HBA.