Subject: Find 4 who want $2 Free Bucks & Get $1,200 (only 2 spots left)

Hey Friend,

In the email I sent yesterday I told you that you could get $1,200 this week by referring just 4 people to this valuable little app at an $8 buy in.

I was thinking about it this morning and realized it's even BETTER than that.

The app itself is only $3. They require you to put a minimum of $5 of your money into their investment fund to count as a qualified enrollment but here's the thing, that $5 is still your money.

So up to this point you've only paid out $3 of your own cash that you can't get back.

But hold on to your britches for this next part Friend.

When you put your $5 bucks in, they will match it and put $5 of their money in.

So if you take the $3 you put in and compare that to the $5 the app company puts in, you can see they just paid you $2 to join.  

So you're actually $2 ahead and none in the hole.

If you then find 4 other people who want to take advantage of this same deal and get paid $2 to test drive this app, they will pay you $1,200 dollars (as long as you find these 4 people by this Saturday).

I know this sounds stupid crazy, and it is, but I've been participating in these promos for over a year now and can say it's 100% legit.

Anyway, if you want more info you can watch this video I made, explaining all the details but if you do decide to watch it, you'll want to watch it ASAP because the sooner you get the info and join, the more time you'll have to find your 4 and qualify for the $1,200 bonus money.  

I've already enrolled 2 so I only have 2 spots left to earn my $1,200 this week.


Shout out and special thanks to Carlos and Sergio for seeing the power in this and taking fast action yesterday.

That's it for now Friend,

Talk soon!


PS - 'The pain of discipline weighs ounces and the pain of regret weighs tons.' -Jim Rohn