Subject: Can 1 picture teach you the meaning of life Friend?

Can 1 picture teach you the meaning of life Friend?

If so, this one definitely has a shot.

These 2 men, as far as I know, never knew each other before meeting up in SLC for an event we had.

Neither one of them is connected directly in any monetary relationship, so there is zero financial reason for what took place in this picture to have taken place.

The man on the right, my friend Todd, recently had something pretty heavy happen within his family.

The man on the left, my friend Chase, went through a similar situation a year or so before Todd.

I was sitting in the chair next to them, late one night in the hotel lobby, looked up, saw this moment and “click, click, got it - with my phone camera.”

I’ve heard the term “breathe life into someone” tossed around now and then, but this picture, gives us an idea as to what that phrase actually means.

Chase has Todd’s hand, clasped genuinely within both of his, as he seemingly peers into his soul with loving understanding and says…

“I’ve been there brother. I know it’s hard, but I made it through, and so will you. If you need me, I’m here.”

Or as the lines from one of my favorite songs sing so beautifully….

‘Brother let me be you’re shelter, never leave you all alone, I can be the one you call, when you’re low.’

And the look on Todd’s face, and the strength of his stance and posture seem to be saying…

“I thank you deeply, I accept your hard won wisdom gained from difficult experience, and I trust what your words are telling me, because I know your feet have walked my path.”


……………..a beautiful,


One I’ll remember forever because it expresses so well, the highest ideal, love - or more specifically the aspect of love that shows genuine care and a desire to lift up a fellow traveler on the road of life.

I love it so much

What Chase did for Todd in this picture, I could never do, because I haven't been where Todd's at.. (But Chase has)

It takes all of us to help all of us, and no one of us could, or was ever meant to do the job alone.

This, is the power of community.

Thank you so much Chase and Todd for allowing me to glimpse into this miraculous moment of life, and see the deep truth so well demonstrated by the 2 of you.

Both great men, men I’m proud to call my friends.

Friends who helped me to see that ‘God works in mysterious ways, His wonders to perform.’

I thought we were building an online marketing community, and helping people build financial freedom…

And now I see that man’s vision is nearly blind, compared to the sight of the Infinite. 


PS: Something truly special is happening. Something I don’t really understand.

Something I know I want to share with others, but find myself grasping for words to communicate it properly.

If this email has resonated with you and you find yourself longing for meaning, purpose, freedom, and heart centered community,

…a place to be loved, cared for and guided,

… a place to be an entrepreneur, with space to learn and grow without judgement…

… a place to uncover your passion and learn to package it in a way where your gift can be delivered to the world,

…please watch this video and read every word on this page because things like this don't come along very often. Trust me, I've been doing this home business stuff for over a decade and I've seen, just about everything.